This Week at St Joseph’s: Week 18

Published January 31st, 2024

It has been another bustling and enriching week here at school. Here’s a recap of what’s been happening this week at St Joseph’s!

Allies Week

Inclusivity is always at the forefront of our efforts here, and we are proud to be a school who values each person as their own unique selves, celebrating what makes each person different.

This week Mrs Barratt held assemblies for all year groups around the concept of allyship and what it means to be an ally to your friends and community, particularly those who fall into marginalised or underrepresented groups, with a focus on LGBT+ and faith. Pupils also learnt about the protected characteristics.

The week ended with a bake (and bracelets and badges!) sale at break time and lunchtime on Friday, with proceeds going towards Student Voice initiatives. The bake sale raised almost £50! Big thank you to everyone who donated or bought cakes, and to Alex in Year 10 for making lots of colourful bracelets to sell, which were very popular!

Dance Live! Rehearsal Day

Well done to all of the Dance Live! team who spent the whole of Tuesday, from 9:10am to 4:30pm, rehearsing for the big day next week. They’ve all worked incredibly hard and we’re so proud of their dedication, no matter the result on the day.

The competition itself happens on Wednesday 5th February at Portsmouth Guildhall, and tickets are available to the public here. We encourage everyone to get their tickets and cheer on our talented dancers!

Year 8 Dodgeball Competition

Mr Ball took a group of Year 8 pupils to a dodgeball competition with The Trafalgar School on Wednesday, where they split into two teams and played against Trafalgar, Sarum Academy, and Wyvern St Edmund’s. They narrowly missed a top 3 place by the smallest of margins, but Mr Ball would like to commend all of the boys on their high level of sportsmanship, attitude and commitment. Well done to them all! 🤾

Work Experience Launch

This week saw the Year 10 pupils launch their Work Experience programme, which will be taking place on Monday 23rd to Friday 27th June 2025. There was a productive buzz at the launch evening on Thursday, hosted by Miss Gale and Mrs Nobis, where parents and pupils heard about the process and benefits of going out on Work Experience, and stories from Year 11 pupils who did their placements last year.

If pupils want to get ahead of the game and figure out what kind of careers they are interested in, have a look at our Careers Portal for useful links and resources.

The Belgium Battlefields Trip Begins

Very early this morning (at eye watering 4am!), a group of pupils and staff embarked on a significant journey to the Battlefields in Belgium. This trip is not only an educational experience but also a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made for the freedoms we enjoy today.

They are due to have 3 days in Belgium packed full of visits to WW1 Battlefields and cemeteries, along with museum visits, a chocolate shop visit and an opportunity to pay respects at the Menin Gate Last Post ceremony.  They return to school on Sunday at 9:30pm. We hope that they all have a great time and thank the staff for giving their weekend for this to happen.

Phew, what a week! To find out more about what’s been happening at St Joseph’s this week, please read this week’s Weekly Update from the Headmaster Mr Higgins and Deputy Head Mr Rooney. You can find all Weekly Updates published here.

Thank you everyone for another excellent week, and we’ll see you on Monday!

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