Happiest Minute of the Week (4th–6th Sept)

Published September 9, 2024

Every week, our staff send in their submissions for the Happiest Minute of the Week. These can be anything from a whole class behaving well, to the small and kind gestures that make someone’s day!

All of these Happiest Minutes are then presented to the whole school every Friday by Mr Bartel and Mr Ford (or pupils who volunteer to host!) in the weekly rewards raffle.

As part of our ethos here at St Joseph’s, we love to share kindness, gratitude and positivity. So without further ado, here are this week’s nominations for Happiest Minute of the Week!

Happiest Minutes of the Week: 4th–6th September 2024

Mr Bartel:

  • LR (11V) for taking time out of his day to initiate a conversation regarding my Oasis tickets.​
  • Thoroughly impressed by the Year 7 contingent. A superb start from all of you that I have engaged with so far. Keep it up​!
  • Mr Brown, Mrs Blake, Miss Snook and Miss Moss for their relentless work this week to support the students and promote a very positive return for us all.​
  • SR (11V) for educating me on Pods of Tiger and Rhino. Not your typical scrumhalf but is that’s what Miss Moss wants…​

Mrs Nobis:

  • Mr Inglis and Mrs Sheeley for helping out in the playground Thursday morning when I was fetching footballs!​
  • Mrs Blake for being most excellent at all times​.
  • JT (8V) for being kind and helpful​.
  • JS for being kind and helpful​.
  • DB for beautiful manners​.
  • All of 10C2 Sociology for just being brilliant and making our first lesson together so joyous!​

Mrs Ingham:

  • On Wednesday I dropped a LOT of A3 paper and DS (7M) rushed over and helped me pick them up without being asked. I emailed home to tell mum about his good work and great start to the school.

Miss Stokes:

  • CL (8M) for an excellent display of historical knowledge regarding the Russian Revolution in relation to “Animal Farm.“​
  • AA (11F) for superb written work showing careful planning, attention to detail and care for learning​.

Mrs Sheeley:

  • MT (8T) for a great first English lesson – thank you for your excellent help in assisting me throughout!​
  • OD (9M) for being a champion ‘hangman’ master. ​
  • 7En4 for making a fantastic first impression in English! ​

Miss Snook:

  • LR (11V) for making us all laugh with a ‘skilful’ drawing of a duck!​
  • Y9 Benchballers – for bringing joy to our first day back and not trying too hard to throw a ball at my head!​

Mrs Maher:

  • Mrs Rose for being my bodyguard and back up on Thursday​
  • Mrs O’Keefe for bringing the entertainment!​
  • AM (10T) for a superb positive start to term.
  • CK (9T) for coming back with a fantastic attitude​.
  • LL (7M) for fully embracing Secondary life​.

Mrs Jones:

  • RS (8T) and PA (8V) for their excellent reading and awesome contribution in history.​
  • The FANTASTIC 11F for their commitment to revising and their excellent start to Year 11.​

Mr Brown:

  • Massive thank you and congratulations to ALL of year 7, for how well they have settled into SJCS life – and to all staff who have contributed to making this so successful.
  • The comments from teachers have been so positive (as you have heard!) and you should be very proud of yourselves, year 7 – I CERTAINLY am 🙂​

Thank you all for such a great first week back – long may it continue!

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