The transition from primary to secondary school is a very exciting time for year 6 pupils. It marks the end of an era at primary school and the beginning of new adventures at secondary school. No doubt there will be nerves mixed in with the excitement - this is completely natural for pupils and parents alike!
Mr Rooney, Deputy Headteacher at St Joseph's, is in charge of transition co-ordination. He works very closely with primary schools in acquiring information on every child to understand their individual needs. The information is gathered through transition forms and in depth meetings with each school’s Year 6 teacher. Mr Rooney also visits each child in their primary school to address any concerns they may have about the transition to St Joseph’s.
We hope this page is a one-stop shop for all things transition. We aim to include booklets that will help you prepare, letters and correspondence that is sent out, video introductions from teachers and pupils, and a virtual tour of the school. We hope you enjoy them and that they help you feel part of our school community.
If you have any queries or questions, please do email and we will get back to you!
We are all looking forward to getting to know you and working with you over the coming years.
We recently held a very successful Open Morning and Open Evening on Thursday 26th September. Our pupils did an excellent job of touring prospective parents and pupils around our school site, and we hope everyone had a lovely time here!
Our next Open Morning will be held on Thursday 10th October between 9:30am and 12:00pm. We look forward to seeing you there!
Mr Rooney, our Deputy Headteacher and Head of Transition here at St Joseph's, takes you through what to expect from our Transition programme in September.
Mr Brown, Head of Year 7 and a teacher in our PE department, introduces himself and explains what it means to be your Head of Year.

Please see the following resources for helpful tips and advice about starting school, managing homework, equipment and uniform, and more: School Information Booklet
Top Tips for Parents: Going to Secondary School
Homework Survival Guide

On the first day of school, pupils will be issued with a map to help them find their way around – but there will always be someone on hand to help them find their way, so they won't get lost! Download the map here
At St Joseph's, we have a strong focus on maintaining uniform standards for all year groups.
For information about our uniform standards and where to purchase the correct St Joseph's uniform ready for September, click here.
We have also partnered with Bateman's Sports to offer a selection of sports apparel displaying our school logo, and all items can be customised with your child's initials. Click here to learn more.*
*Note: Please wait to find out what house your child is in before buying house-specific uniform.
INDUCTION presentation

If you couldn't attend our Year 6 induction day in July, here is the presentation that was given to parents with all of the important information. Download the presentation
food technology
modern foreign LANGUAGES
computer science
The Transition Timeline

Induction Day
All Year 6 students attend an Induction day in July. The day is an excellent opportunity for the Year 6 students to experience a day at St Joseph’s before they start for real in September. The day is split into two parts: an academic session and a pastoral session. During the academic session, students do a Cognitive Ability Test so that we can ensure they are placed in the correct learning groups from the moment they start in September. In the pastoral session, the students meet their new form tutors, directors of learning, class mates and peers from their year group.
At St Joseph’s we seek to ensure each of our students achieves their academic potential and also develops into a young adult that we are all proud of. This induction day is the beginning of the journey towards this goal.
Parents Induction Evening
Additionally, all parents are invited to St Joseph’s for a Year 6 parents induction evening. This helps to prepare and inform parents about about their child’s transition. During this evening session, parents of current students talk about their experiences of the school and in addition current year 7 students talk about their experience of transition. Students and parents tell us that they find these events very informative and helpful.
In September
Once the pupils start in September, every member of the school community, staff and students alike, works hard to help the new Year 7 students settle in as quickly as possible. In the first term there is a party held by each House to welcome their new Year 7 Form. The older students in a House group organise games and activities to help new students integrate into their pastoral group.
We are always delighted with how quickly the Year 7 students settle into “big school”. The worries of “will I get lost?” and “will I make new friends?” become questions of the past, and soon, pupils get involved in House events and clubs that make them feel a real part of our school community. They very quickly adopt our Key Stage 3 mantra: “do your best and mind your manners."