Weekly Update: Week 4 (27.09.24)

Published September 27, 2024

Welcome one another, then, as Christ welcomed you, for the glory of God.

Romans 15-7

A Message From the Headmaster

It has been another busy week at St Joseph’s with our pupils gaining cultural capital and further immersion into foreign languages, culminating in a celebration of the International Day of Languages. Our pupils were excited to hear the different languages our teachers could speak, and it is a privilege to have a school filled with many cultures and languages.

Our Year 11 pupils completed their Art and DT NEAs this week, and they are now able to focus on their curriculum until the Christmas break. They will have their Mock Result Reveal shortly, which serves to focus their minds on their journey to achieve the best possible GCSEs.

Finally, the pupils at St Joseph’s were excellent ambassadors for the school as they welcomed our prospective Year 6 pupils and parents for the Open Morning and Evening. The message that was continuously articulated was how impressed parents were with our pupils and that they are such excellent role models. Thank you to everyone in the St Joseph’s family for their support and kind welcome to our guests.

Have a lovely weekend; I hope the rain subsides and the sun shines.

Mr Higgins

Fundraising Initiative

In assemblies this week the Anti-Bullying Ambassadors informed all pupils of an exciting fundraising initiative for our school. We are going to be involved in Tesco’s Stronger Starts – when you complete your shop and are presented with the blue token, soon our school will be one of the three options to choose from. You will be able to drop your blue token into all the Tesco’s in Salisbury (large store on Southampton Road, the Tesco’s in town and on Wilton Road).

We could potentially win funding of £1500 if we receive more blue tokens than the other causes. We would put this to good use and purchase more seating for the children during social times. We will let you know when it all begins – keep your eyes peeled!

Library Area

You may have seen on Twitter/X this morning that we have almost completed the transformation of the ‘Green Tables’ area. It has now become our library area, complete with new tables and chairs which can be used by the pupils during social times. We are very excited by this development and the extra opportunities having a dedicated library and quiet space will bring!

Year 7 Form Tutor Evening

Next Thursday we will host our Year 7 Form Tutor Evening. This will be a virtual evening with 5 minute appointments to talk with your child’s form tutor / year team staff about how they have settled into school and how transition is going for them. In the early part of next week, we will send out a separate communication detailing how to book your appointments.


Next week our focus on uniform will shift to blazers. We would like to remind pupils that blazers should be worn at all times around the school site – with the exception of when playing at break and lunchtime. Please do remind your children that blazers are an item to be worn, not an accessory to hold!


Year 8 picked up the litter baton this week and have been ensuring that school is kept litter free. After an initial reluctance, their enthusiasm for tidying the site has been commendable! Well done Year 8!

Homework Reminders

The secret to success is hard work and often independent hard work. We encourage every pupil in all year groups to continually revisit and review their classroom learning – this will undoubtedly improve their retention of information.

Homework Club

Homework club has started, and we are offering two morning sessions and two after school sessions.

  • Morning: 8:20am – 8:50am in Room 28 on Tuesday and Thursday.
  • Afternoon: 3:45pm – 4:30pm in Room 26 on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Homework & Satchel One

Homework Timetables are now published on the school website here.

Forgotten Details

If your child has forgotten their Satchel One login details, they can use the Microsoft Office sign in option instead.  Please see the attached for screen shots on how to do so.

Year 11 Mocks Results Evening

As stated last week, following the recent mock exams, towards the end of the half term on Thursday 17th October at 6pm, we will be holding a mock exams results reveal evening.  Parents and pupils will be invited to attend St Joseph’s to receive their results (these will not be given out in lesson time) replicating the experience that they will have in August with their actual results.  During this evening, we will also be outlining the Year 11 programme for the year and how St Joseph’s can fully support you and your child through this particularly important, and sometimes challenging year.

Key dates for the Autumn 1 Term:

  • Thursday 3rd October – Year 7 Form Tutor Evening (4.30pm to 7pm)
  • Thursday 17th October – Year 11 Mock Results Reveal Evening
  • Tuesday 22nd October – Year 7 House Party (during Period 5)

Have a lovely weekend!

Mr R Rooney

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