Published September 23, 2022

Every week, our staff send in their submissions for the Happiest Minute of the Week. These can be anything from a whole class behaving well, to the small and kind gestures that make someone’s day!
All of these Happiest Minutes are then presented to the whole school every Friday by Mr Ford and Mr Bartel in the weekly rewards raffle.
As part of our ethos here at St Joseph’s, we love to share kindness, gratitude and positivity. So without further ado, here are this week’s nominations for Happiest Minute of the Week!
Happiest Minutes of the Week
Mr Bartel:
- SNP (8F) for helping out another student in distress and assisting them in starting a less.
- Mr Caruso for saving the day and running DoE volunteering.
- SW (11M) for sending me the Prefect info when she has far more pressing matters to be getting on with.
- EL (11M) for outstanding observations in spotting the St Joseph’s Way.
Mrs Hansford:
- 7D English for being utterly brilliant on Friday morning whilst year 11s were sitting their exam in room 26. They were very respectful the whole lesson and I was very proud of them.
- ZA (8T), BN (8T), EO (8F), LC (8F), NK (8F), and GMW (8F) for being brilliant and putting in lots of effort during a food tech cover lesson on Thursday!
Mrs Barratt:
- JC (9M) for earning his first AP in a French lesson, some great work and positivity.
- RS (9V) for a great start to French this year – fab focus.
- BW (11V) for a great attitude to studies.
Mrs Fenwick:
- A huge thank you to the pupils who supporting our Career Mark Revalidation Assessment on Tuesday. They spoke to the Assessor with clarity and honesty and did, not only the school, but themselves proud. The Assessor said they were a “Credit to the School”. With their support and the support of all our wonderful teachers, we have retained our Accreditation for the Careers we deliver in school!
Mrs Nobis:
- Big thank you to Mrs Fenwick and Sue Glover for all the hard work that went into retaining the National Quality Standard in Careers, Mr Blakey for teaching me IT skills and helping a student immeasurably, and 10D Sociology for being generally wonderful.
Mrs Sheeley:
- CM and OD (7M) for both having a fantastic week.
Ms Shuttleworth:
- ACM (11V) & RM (11F) for volunteering to help when they saw me struggling with heavy boxes – much appreciated – thank you!
Mr Valjak:
- CN (9F) for his brilliantly positive attitude to learning in RE.
- My entire Y10 RE class for coping (mostly) well with seven (!) different rooms and seating plans since the start of the year.
Mrs Evans:
- LR (9V), MR, KW (9T) and CG (9F) for showing amazing drawing skills when designing their final ideas.
Looking forward to another excellent week!