There are four houses here at St Joseph's, and each pupil is assigned to a house when they join the school in Year 7.

All members of staff are assigned to a house, with the exception of the Headteacher and Deputy Heads. Each house has a team consisting of the Head of House, and several Form Tutors.

The four houses are:

  • Francis (house colour: green)
  • Teresa (house colour: yellow)
  • Vincent (house colour: red)
  • Margaret (house colour: blue)

How the house system works

The house system is involved in all areas of school life, for example in sporting competitions, assemblies, and charities. This will be coordinated by the pastoral committee, which meets once a month.

There are also weekly house competitions (resulting in the winner receiving the House Cup), and more! To see the current standings, please see the house points banner on the homepage.

Two boys on bikes with their arms around each other's shoulders
Francis House

Francis House

Head of Francis House: Mrs Nobis

Francis House is named after St Francis of Assisi, a twelfth century young Italian who gave up an easy life of luxury to focus on what he felt was important: caring and supporting other people, and looking after the world.

We in Francis House today follow his example by ensuring that we support each other, and everyone in our school community to be caring and supportive, interested in each other and the environment. St Francis is the patron saint of ecologists, and we are well represented on the student Environmental Council.

Francis House members support each other at all times, and work hard in all lessons. We frequently gain the most achievement points in the school per week, something of which we are very proud. This year, we will try once again to win Sports Day in July, and never cease chasing the House Cup. We have many talents, and our tutors are keen to develop these further.

Form tutors for Francis House

  • 7F: Mrs Webb
  • 8F: Mr Inglis
  • 9F: Mr Caruso
  • 10F: Mrs Jones / Mrs Choudhury
  • 11F: Mr Ball
Teresa House

Teresa House

Head of Teresa House: Mr Rooney

Teresa House is named after the famous Mother Teresa and as such our values are loyalty, kindness and togetherness. Our House has traditionally celebrated "taking part" rather than winning but in recent years that has changed! We are regularly leading the achievement points race and we've been blessed with some super athletes over the last few years which means we more than hold our own in house competitions and sports days these days!
In 2020-21 both the Head Boy and Head Girl were from Teresa House, so there is certainly no shortage of leaders in our House!
Our House Saint, Mother Teresa, is an inspiration to us all; she worked tirelessly for justice and to give people dignity and a sense of peace. She set up the Missionaries of Charity which still exists today and works to support some of the most vulnerable people in the world and we seek to continue her mission to help those in need in our community.
She once said; "God does not call us to do great things, but calls us to do small things with great love". Therefore, as a House, we seek to do the little things well in order to make a big difference in our community.

Form tutors for Teresa House

  • 7T: Ms Reynolds
  • 8T: Mr Shuttleworth
  • 9T: Mrs Inglis
  • 10T: Mrs Thorne
  • 11T: Miss Rooney
Vincent House

Vincent House

Head of Vincent House: Mr Bartel

Vincent House is a proud, generous and supportive group of individuals following closely in the footsteps of St Vincent de Paul, known for dedicating his life to serving the poor. Vincent House help to continue this work in raising money for those less fortunate than us each year.

Pupils within Vincent House are constantly encouraged to perform to the best of their ability and support each other in doing so. The House is full of competitive individuals who regularly compete in a number of school activities throughout the year.

Vincent staff help to uphold the ethos of the school and provide every pupil with the guidance that they deserve in developing themselves in to responsible and mature young adults. They are continually pushing pupils to not only achieve, but instilling a desire to achieve in all that they do.

Form tutors for Vincent House

  • 7V: Miss Hartsmith
  • 8V: Mr Garvey
  • 9V: Mrs O'Grady
  • 10V: Mr Blakey
  • 11V: Miss McFarlane
Margaret House

Margaret House

Head of Margaret House: Mr Ford

Margaret House proudly takes our name from St Margaret Pole, former Countess of Salisbury. Described as the "holiest woman in England" by Henry VIII prior to her opposing his re-marriage and being exiled from court, Margaret Pole was a strong, commanding woman who refused to abandon her beliefs.
A peeress in her own right with no titled husband, Margaret Pole was a woman ahead of her time. For opposing Henry VIII's attempts to subdue the Catholic Faith she was executed in 1541. Pope Leo XIII beatified her as a martyr for the Catholic Church on 29 December 1886. From this we take away the lesson that we too must stand up for our beliefs and values even when we face opposition and challenge.
Members of Margaret House take great pride in wearing our house colours and representing us in all forms of competition, were 3 times reigning sports day champions (2017, 2018 & 2019) and Reigning House Competition Champions. However, these achievements are not due solely to individual excellence but rather the collective team effort that we take such great pride in demonstrating in all competitions. We will always be fully accounted for in events both sporting and academic.

We will always give our best effort no matter the challenge. If we do not triumph, we hold our heads high knowing that we left it all on the field. There is no shame in losing if you know you have done your absolute upmost.

To be a member of Margaret House is to be a part of the The Pride and understand that every single one of us has a vital part to play in the hunt for glory! #LionMode

Form tutors for Margaret House

  • 7M: Mrs Jackson & Mrs Henry
  • 8M: Mrs Sheeley
  • 9M: Mr Ollivierre
  • 10M: Mr Sibley
  • 11M: Mrs Miles & Mrs Halls

House competitions

We are thrilled that our weekly House Competitions are up and running again this year! They are a great way for pupils to build their team spirit and take part in various activities to win points for their House. You can see this year's schedule and results below.



Winning House


8th September

Benchball (KS3)

Teresa & Vincent

15th September

Benchball (KS4)


22nd September

Ultimate Frisbee (KS3)


29th September

MFL Spanish Fiesta (KS3)


29th September

MFL Spanish Fiesta (KS4)


6th October






