pupil premium & free school meals


What is the Pupil Premium Grant?

The Pupil Premium is an allocation of funding given to schools by the Department of Education in order to help support and further raise the achievement of pupils who are in one of the following categories:

  • Pupils currently eligible for free school meals (FSM)
  • Pupils who have been eligible to claim for free school meals within the last six years
  • Pupils in Local Authority Care or who have previously been in Local Authority Care
  • The children of members of our Armed Services

The funding is given directly to schools, and schools are encouraged to use it in ways that will promote the progress, attainment and achievement of Pupil Premium learners, and to help secure their performance at GCSE.

How We Use the Pupil Premium Grant at St Joseph's

At St Joseph’s, we use a wide range of strategies to support the development of those in receipt of the Pupil Premium Grant. Each student is recognised as an individual and strategies employed are nuanced accordingly. The effectiveness of the interventions offered for learners in receipt of the Pupil Premium Grant are constantly reviewed.

Within the taught curriculum:

  • Learning resources across the curriculum so that all learners are equipped to learn.
  • Revision resources such as revision guides, exam papers, flash cards, highlighters are all available to all KS4 students and upon request at KS3.
  • Maths intervention sessions run by Maths specialists at KS4.
  • Development of Academic Mentoring for all Year 11 students in receipt of the Pupil Premium Grant to develop self regulation and study skills
  • Individualised Literacy Support Sessions with specialist members of staff in small groups
  • Contribution to cost of music lessons
  • Access to individualised support or resources for subjects when necessary
  • Close data tracking to monitor progress and applying effective intervention strategies to ensure improvement
  • Access to alternative curriculum opportunities when appropriate
  • Financial support for all educational trips and visits
  • Contribution to the work of the Attendance Officer so that attendance at school is secured and outcomes improve

Beyond the taught curriculum:

  • Access to and support for extra-curricular activities such as Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award and cultural visits
  • Employment of a Safeguarding and Wellbeing Officer in order to support the needs of vulnerable learners
  • Prioritised access to the Lead Careers Professional throughout school and particularly during KS4
  • Access to and support for Art/Drama therapy if appropriate
  • Access to and support for counselling from the Family Counselling Trust
  • Attendance at Bath Spa University outreach events so all learners in receipt of the Pupil Premium Grant develop understanding of their own motivations, their future career options, including about HE, including a trip to Bath Spa in Year 9
  • Mentoring/coaching opportunities from a qualified life coach if appropriate

Further details are available in our Pupil Premium Grant Strategy, which you can view by clicking the button below.

Pupil Premium Grant Strategy Statement Latest version - December 2024

free school meals

Your child may be entitled to free school meals if you receive any of the following:

  • Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseekers Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
  • Working Tax Credit run-on – paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
  • Universal Credit

Did you know that registering your child for free school meals means that the school gets extra money? The Government gives money to schools to help children from lower income families do their very best. This funding is called a ‘Pupil Premium’. For every child registered, the school gets £955 (2021/22) to be used to support their learning.

How does it work?

If you want your child to have a free, healthy meal at lunchtime, that’s great – they will get the free school meal (saving you more that £350 a year) and the school gets £955 extra.

If you don’t want your child to have the free school meals, they can continue as normal – as long as you qualify and are registered, the school still gets extra funding for your child.

Please remember you must qualify and register for free school meals for the school to receive the extra money, even if you do not want your child to have the free school meals. Please register as soon as possible to make sure your child and others in their class don’t miss out.

Registering for free school meals is confidential. No one will know you have registered and it will not affect any other benefits you are claiming.

A free school meals application form can be downloaded here or collected from the school: Free School Meals Application Form

Claim your free school meal...