Published December 3, 2021

Today saw the last of the Year 11 mock exams and, as stated last week, we’ve been delighted with how Year 11 have tackled them and risen to the challenge. They have shown great maturity and conscientiousness and we’re very much looking forward to marking them and returning the results as soon as possible! There will be a Year 11 Parents’ Evening in January to discuss results and plans to ensure the pupils are best prepared for the real exams in the summer.
NHS Test & Trace
In January 2022, secondary schools will be offering all pupils the opportunity to complete one lateral flow test onsite when they return to school in January.
If students have not previously done a test, it would be useful if parents/guardians could familiarise your children with the testing process, so they know what to expect. It is also useful for the students to know that it is quite normal to gag when they are doing the test, so please do not be embarrassed. After on-site testing, students will continue to be given test kits to be done at home twice per week.
Please note that testing is voluntary, but highly recommended. Please click the link to provide consent:
Face Masks
Masks are required in communal areas in school, and we have a number of St Joseph’s branded face masks for sale. They cost £3.75 and are available via the school gateway app.
It was such a great feeling to shave off the moustache on Wednesday! It was also fabulous to see lots of pupils and teachers embrace Tash Tuesday as well – stick on tashes were looking great and there were also some very creative painted ones too! Our Twitter feed has a few snaps of the stylish moustaches! (@sjcssalisbury)
Next week we’ll be returning to the school hall for face-to-face assemblies with year groups. We’re really looking forward to resuming assemblies like this as it really helps to build a sense of community and gives the pupils a sense of being part of something more than their forms and classes. We will be only holding year group assemblies and pupils will need to wear masks (unless exempt). Forms will also be distanced from each other by two metres.
Book Review
This week, we also conducted a review of a number of pupils’ books. In total over 200 books were reviewed from across every curriculum area. It was excellent and a real sense of pride to see the quality of work that the children are producing and also the feedback that their teachers are provided to aide their progress. As part of our ongoing school improvement plan, book reviews will be taking place each half term.
Bath Spa University
Bath Spa University visited school earlier this week to work with our Year 9 Pupil Premium pupils to look at how school and university timetables differ. They also looked at the different types of extra-curricular clubs available and explored the range of different faculties that universities have to offer. This session helped to broaden their knowledge about Higher Education and will hopefully have inspired them to explore University options post-18 education.
Panto Trip
It is with a heavy heart that we’re announcing that we have decided to not go ahead with the Year 7 pantomime trip to the Salisbury Playhouse. We received more covid guidance from Wiltshire on Thursday which has influenced our decision. We really did not want to run the risk of any of the children contracting the virus whilst at the theatre and therefore having to self-isolate over the Christmas period – especially in light of the restrictions that were in place last year and this Christmas having the potential to be a much more social occasion.
Year 9 Graduation
The Year 9 Graduation will still be happening on Wednesday 15th December from 3:45 until 4:30. In order to mitigate risks, the event will be pupils only and will take place in the ventilated school hall. It really is a lovely occasion where the pupils’ achievements and talents are recognised and celebrated. Each pupil will receive a graduation from Key Stage 3 certificate and there are also subject awards up for grabs too. Pupils will also be hosting a teachers’ award section too as part of the celebration – Mr Monk is hoping to win best haircut for the 5th year!
Achievement Points Race
The points keep rolling in and the latest standings are as follows – congratulations to Margaret for being the first house to break into 20,000 points!
- 1st – Margaret – 20,003 points
- 2nd – Vincent – 19,527 points
- 3rd – Teresa – 18,111 points
- 4th – Francis – 16,556 points
Keep the points coming!
Trussell Trust foodbank donations are being welcomed in our trolley in the canteen.
Upcoming events:
- Virtual Carol Service to be shared last week of December
- Year 9 Graduation – 15th December
- Christmas Liturgy for Pupils – 17th December
- Christmas Jumper Day – 17th December (in aid of Save the Children)
- Final Day of term – Friday 17th December – early finish of 12:15
Have a lovely weekend.
Mr Rooney