Happiest Minute of the Week: 11th–15th March 2024

Published March 15th, 2023

Every week, our staff send in their submissions for the Happiest Minute of the Week. These can be anything from a whole class behaving well, to the small and kind gestures that make someone’s day!

All of these Happiest Minutes are then presented to the whole school every Friday by Mr Bartel and Mr Ford (or pupils who volunteer to host!) in the weekly rewards raffle.

As part of our ethos here at St Joseph’s, we love to share kindness, gratitude and positivity. So without further ado, here are this week’s nominations for Happiest Minute of the Week!

Happiest Minutes of the Week: 11th–15th March 2024

Mr Bartel:

  • MR, JW, TN, PS (10T), BW (7T), JT (10V), JM (10M) for a high energy football session yesterday. ​
  • CL (9M)’s relentless positivity for other students’ presentations. A fantastic quality to have.​
  • Loved seeing the year 10s in amazing sessions with Junior on Thursday. Especially enjoyed the gratitude I witnessed from MN (10T) and JT (10V). Huge thanks to Miss Gale for organising that.​
  • Huge thanks also to Miss Clark who kickstarted the week brilliantly with her author trip.​

Mr Sibley:

  • A big shout to the following students who make doing green table duty just that little bit more entertaining​. Team top table!​ MT, KA, FJ (10M)​, CN (10T)​, SP (9V)​, EG, NO (9M)​, CM (11T).
  • This week’s chef of the week nomination goes to HZ (9M) for his wonderfully presented lemon pots​. The great thing was they tested better than they looked!​ ​

Miss Moss:

  • VGL for organising a brilliant Mock Interview prep day! Big shout out to KTH, SSI, RBL, WJO, KTH, NBR, PCA, RRO, ENE, MHE, FNO, RHA, DNE, DIN, CBL, OFO, JOL, KOG, RIN & CBA for supporting! ​Well done Year 10 – you were brilliant as always! ​#ProudHOY​

Mr Garvey:

  • For always giving their best effort to their work…​ CSE, DG (7T), SS (7F), CL, KA, MP (7M), AH and TH (9V)

Mrs Nobis:

  • Mr Ball for maintaining the honour of Francis House and all staff and students of Francis House in Assembly on Monday – thank you for your compassion!​
  • NF (10F) for helping with something on Tuesday afternoon.​
  • LF (9F) for positivity (and great door opening).​
  • All the women that work in the Benedict building (Miss Brignall, Mrs Rose, Miss Smith, Ms Shuttleworth, Ms Gale and Miss Clark) for being resilient, cheerful, kind and making our area so joyous.​

Mrs Blake:

  • To all the Year 7 Stars of the Week for last week:
    • HM (7F) for his commitment to the Journalist Team.
    • HG (7F) for constantly working well and being super helpful.
    • KA (7M) for excellent verbal contributions and getting on quietly with work.
    • SK (7M) for always being calm and settled in form time. ​
  • And the Stars the Week for this week:
    • LD (7T) for constantly showing a mature attitude. An asset to 7T.
    • MA (7T) for always trying her very best and preserving even with distractions.
    • AMV (7V) for excellent uniform and manners in form time.
    • JT (7V) for stepping up to be form captain after the previous one retired! (And supporting Dance Live last week, thank you!)
  • 8HAx for excellent work in Drama lessons. ​
  • Year 9 Dance for making theory lessons so enjoyable.

Well done all for another great week!

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