Published September 18, 2023

Every week, our staff send in their submissions for the Happiest Minute of the Week. These can be anything from a whole class behaving well, to the small and kind gestures that make someone’s day!
All of these Happiest Minutes are then presented to the whole school every Friday by Mr Bartel and Mr Ford (or pupils who volunteer to host!) in the weekly rewards raffle.
As part of our ethos here at St Joseph’s, we love to share kindness, gratitude and positivity. So without further ado, here are this week’s nominations for Happiest Minute of the Week!
Happiest Minutes of the Week: 18th–22nd September
Mr Sibley:
- A big shout out to my amazing open evening gang: SNP (9F), MMS, DB, UO (9T), LS, FI, LH (9M), and NN (9V). They all cooked up a storm and represented the school, and most importantly the subject, fantastically.
Mr Bartel:
- Mrs Scovill for giving me 2 sausage rolls when my lunch vanished.
- Miss Clark and the Reception Team for all the do all the time.
Mr Ball:
- MS (7T) for outstanding Handball skills and tactics.
- Excellent Cross-Country effort and achievement: TD (11F), OW (9V), IW (9T), SP (9V), SRG, IB (9M), NO (9F), JG, and CSE (7T).
- ES, HE (11T), LV (11F), GA and SC (11M) for helping PE and being fantastic with parents and prospective pupils alike.
Mr Blakey:
- JS (10V) for a really kind gesture that made a bad day into a good one.
- ES (11T) for being kind, helpful and concerned for other’s and their wellbeing.
- RB (11T) for excellent work on his GCSE music performances this week.
- HH (8T) for making excellent progress on his Blues music tasks and helping others to do the same.
- All of my year 9 music group for excellent effort and creating a nice atmosphere in lessons.
Mrs Maher:
- CB (10T) for an absolutely BRILLIANT week in English!
- SM (10T) and CN (10F) for showing a huge amount of compassion and kindness to another student. Top marks for being decent humans!
- NR (7T) for always giving me a huge smile and wave every time she sees me.
- CL (11V), JB (11T), and AW (11M) for putting in 110% effort to English mocks.
Mrs Jackson:
- Thank you to GB (7T) who was very helpful in offering to carry my textbooks upstairs.
- Thank you so much to TC (10F) for her very kind note – it was very much appreciated.
- Happily amazed by the level of maths that MAE (8T) is producing. A very talented young lady!
Mrs Jones:
- SS (7M), LP, SS, HG, LF (7F), JS (7V), VJ, OD, IM (8M), LF, DS (8V), AP, and OW (8F) for their fantastic contributions to history.
- Also to the whole of 10F for being such a fantastic tutor group!
Mr Ford:
- Thank you to every member of our school community who helped showcase SJCS to the perspective parents this week.
- Well done to Y11 for efforts in your mocks – a great start to an important year.
Mr Rooney:
- All the tour guides for the morning and the evening – you were all such great ambassadors for the school and all the people you toured were super complimentary about you – there were over 70 of you – that’s more than 10% of the school!
- Phenomenal speeches and bravery from TD (11F), GR (11V), MB (11F), and DI (11M) on Open Evening. They delivered with professional and heart – amazing stuff!
- EVERYONE on staff for their brilliant efforts on Open Day and Evening this week!
Ms Shuttleworth:
- OB (8F) for always being such a thoughtful, kind and helpful student.
- HH (8T) & WK (8T) for being such keen volunteers for History open evening.
- Mr Ollivierre for being a super supportive and kind colleague when I wasn’t feeling well.
- Mr Ford for hand delivering my lost lanyard which I had taken off whilst doing yoga in Inclusion and accidently left there!
Mrs Barratt:
- Mrs Halls for giving her English class instruction in French, such as asseyez-vous and s’il vous plait <3
- ZA, TN (10T), and SS (10F) for great recall of top 10 verbs in Spanish.
Mrs Rooney:
- MW, SW (8F), and KS (8V) for all being super kind in the canteen on Monday by letting some year 7’s go ahead of them in the queue #randomactsofkindess!
Mrs Hansford:
- SM (10V) for stepping up to play the Inspector in English! And AT (10F) for being the best Edna.
- Mrs Maher for so graciously accepting her birthday and for always being the Queen!
- BB (8M), TB (8V) and FI (9M) for always offering to help hand out the books at the start of lesson.
Mrs Inglis:
- LG (9F) for working hard and asking for help when needed this week.
- ST (7V) for confidently answering questions in science this week.
Madame Webb:
- JJ (7M) for being an excellent sports captain.
- LF (7M) for always smiling and ready to work.
Mrs Rose:
- My weekly nomination for HH (8T) – again, for the lovely chat in the canteen this morning, and brightening up my Friday morning. 🙂
Well done for another great week!