Published November 9, 2021

Every week, our staff send in their submissions for the Happiest Minute of the Week. These can be anything from a whole class behaving well, to the small and kind gestures that make someone’s day!
All of these Happiest Minutes are then presented to the whole school every Friday by Mr. Ford and Mr. Bartel in the weekly rewards raffle.
As part of our ethos here at St Joseph’s, we love to share kindness, gratitude and positivity. So without further ado, here are this week’s nominations for Happiest Minute of the Week!
Happiest Minutes of the Week
Mrs. Pearson:
- AW (8M) and her amazing finding skills – she found the mini whiteboards and her friend’s work for her and is very helpful in English lessons.
- SR and RW (8V) for always working hard in English and contributing to lessons.
- KB (8M) for being our resident IT support when things go wrong in English lessons and IT.
- RA (9V), RB (9T) and the rest of 9HA for making me laugh all week – it certainly cheers up November.
Mr. Bartel:
- ER (7V) for chasing down Mrs. Barrett’s paperwork across the rugby pitch on Thursday lunchtime.
- KJ (11F) for their beautiful revision map on Jewish customs surrounding death.
Mrs. Marshall:
- JB (9V) for an excellent analysis of Lennie in Of Mice and Men.
- Mrs. Maher for cleaning the English department shovel.
Mr. Rooney:
- CK (11F) for super vigilance and looking out for his peers on Weds lunchtime.
- AL, JR (7M), JW, ZA (7T), and JB (7V) for being on fire in Spanish this week.
- NF (8F), LB (8M) and OD (8T) for super participation and work in Spanish in Wednesday’s lesson.
- AB, GOW (11V), FP, MW (11M), and GG (11F) for their fab revision in this week’s RE lessons.
Mr. Wilkinson:
- ES (8F) for lifting the entirety of Mr. Wilkinson with just two fingers.
- OA (8M) for outrageous, irrepressible humour and enthusiasm.
- LR (8T) for leading the lesson on cells. (A very relaxed 5 minutes for Mr. W!)
- JW (7T) for making great connections and PD (7T) for great courage.
Mrs. Jackson:
- KC (10M) for winning his age group MTK Global boxing competition in London over half term. He makes us all in 10M incredibly proud of such an achievement!
- SW (11F) for the superb effort and attendance to revision sessions.
- AG (9F) for nailing ‘writing expressions”.
Mr. Ball:
- ES, MW (11M) and MF (11V) for their amazing effort for their team in the team bleep challenge.
Mr. Brown:
- TD (9F) and EB (9T) for being players of the season in their Sports Ed Module.
Mrs. Evans:
- CF (10F) for a fantastic observation drawing.
- BW (10V) and MSR (10F) for a fantastic approach to their artist research.
Well done everyone – we hope you enjoyed your prizes!