Published June 24, 2022
Every week, our staff send in their submissions for the Happiest Minute of the Week. These can be anything from a whole class behaving well, to the small and kind gestures that make someone’s day!
All of these Happiest Minutes are then presented to the whole school every Friday by Mr Ford and Mr Bartel in the weekly rewards raffle.
As part of our ethos here at St Joseph’s, we love to share kindness, gratitude and positivity. So without further ado, here are this week’s nominations for Happiest Minute of the Week!
Happiest Minutes of the Week
Mr Inglis:
- I’d like to nominate all the people who have helped or offered to help me carry books and equipment around the school the last few weeks and all the teachers who have made me feel welcome in their classrooms! You are heroes in plain sight!!
Mr Ford:
- OW (8F) and NH (10T) for their outstanding display of compassion on Wednesday morning in helping a student who needed support – seeing the two of you step in, unprompted, made me incredibly proud to work here.
- FH (9M) for making a very mature decision when he could have tried to argue his case – even though he assures me he would never do that.
Ms Shuttleworth:
- AM (7M) for being a very convincing barrister and delivering a brilliant closing speech to convince the court that Bloody Mary was innocent!
- JS (10V) for his phenomenal attitude to learning. He always works incredibly hard and tries his very best in every single task and exam.
- TCY (10V) for being super kind and helpful and running to refill my water bottle. Thank you.
- DX (10V) for being a sensible and thoughtful student and offering to take an injured student to First Aid at break-time.
Mrs Nobis:
- RL (9V) for educating me about cats and their capabilities, and making me smile on a rubbish morning!
Mr Bartel:
- KR (8T), AS (8V), NG (8F) and AT (8F) for using highly applicable geography terminology when explaining earthquakes to their distinctly average geography cover teacher.
- AH (8F) and OD (8T) for the longest of long rallies in tennis to prove a point.
- EF (10V) calling Miss Foster “Mum” and Miss Foster replying with, “Not me love, I’m too old to be your mum!”
- WN (8F) fabulous manners when addressing his sartorial elegance every day this week, even asking how my evening had been.
Miss Ryder:
- A BIG thank you to Mrs Voce and Mr McGuinness for all their help over the exams. They have been amazing.
Mrs Hansford:
- AT (8F) for being the first member of 8BX English to reach 20 mins of reading on Accelerated Reader.
Mr Valjak:
- EF (7T) – quote from RE lesson: “If everyone would only TRY to be nice a bit nicer to each other would make our world a much happier place.”
- CM and TT (10T) – for their brilliant and ‘ambitious’ writing for the evaluation question in their RE end of year exam.
Mrs Evans:
- For showing great attitude towards end of year tests: CF (7T), CW (7M) , LD (7V), SP (7V), AF (7V), LG (9F), LB (9V), FS (9V) and RC (9V)
- All of Mrs Evans’ Year 10 Art class for the maturity they showed in there mock last week. Well done!
- Mr Monk, Miss McFarlane, Miss Lowe and Miss Shuttleworth for always putting a smile on my face.
Let’s have more great moments next week!