Published December 2, 2022

Every week, our staff send in their submissions for the Happiest Minute of the Week. These can be anything from a whole class behaving well, to the small and kind gestures that make someone’s day!
All of these Happiest Minutes are then presented to the whole school every Friday by Mr Bartel and Mr Ford (or pupils who volunteer to host!) in the weekly rewards raffle.
As part of our ethos here at St Joseph’s, we love to share kindness, gratitude and positivity. So without further ado, here are this week’s nominations for Happiest Minute of the Week!
Happiest Minutes of the Week
Mr Bartel:
- Mr Valjak for his support of the Raffle and particularly Happiest Minute of the Week.
- Mrs Barratt for her wonderful work with Pupil Parliament, Student Leadership, Fundraising, Student Welfare and ensuring you all have a say. Absolute star.
- Mrs Pearson for doing many of the things I am completely incapable of.
- RG (11M), SH (10V) and JK (10F) for their tackles at Year 10 & 11 Rugby, and CM and GA (11T) for running Rugby Club in an accomplished fashion.
Ms Shuttleworth:
- Mr Inglis for personally delivering my last-minute photocopying and for always being a helpful and supportive colleague.
- RH (11F) for excellent effort and work in History and for arriving on time!
Mrs Nobis:
- LW (10M) for being polite and trying really hard in Sociology this week.
- Year 10 Sociologists deserve a shout out for being focussed, mature and decent as we look at complex social issues.
Mr Brown:
- NH and LW (11T) for helping a distressed year 7 in need. Heroes.
Mr Sibley:
- Well done to this week’s Chefs of the Week: JW (8T) and AM (8F)!
Mrs Hansford:
- OA (9M) for being very helpful at the start of my RE cover lesson.
- CF (9T) for adding some great vocabulary to our class acrostic poem about segregation.
- CF (10F) for constantly working hard and trying her best in English.
- EL (11M) for impressive Macbeth plot recall.
- SMS (7M) and PT (7T) for writing beautiful pieces of description in English.
- ZA and MS (8T) for being brave enough to answers a question in English.
- CG (9F), JW and HW (9T) for being helpful and working hard during my cover lesson of Spanish on Thursday!
Mr Rooney:
- CG, ED, CL (10F), and PL (10V) for being brilliant representatives for the school at Alabare’s celebration service on Tuesday afternoon! Plus Rob Adams for going out of his way and picking me up from the service!
- HA (7F), KT (8V), FA (8T), GB (9F), JM and LR (10T) for performing brilliantly as part of the Starcast group at the Winchester Christmas market last Sunday!
Mr Valjak:
- RA (8F) for taking great pride in his work in Religious Education.
- All colleagues and pupils for the emotional support (!) offered to me after last night’s football drama.
Mrs Foster:
- MK (10T) for her great work – it was beautifully set out and written. She was so happy when I put a star in her book and has been given some well-deserved achievement points!
Mrs Rose:
- OB (7F) for being a true gentleman – not once, not twice, but three times in row, and holding the door open for me.
EF (11V):
- Mr Caruso for being a brilliant teacher and a really kind and caring member of staff.