Published October 7, 2022

Every week, our staff send in their submissions for the Happiest Minute of the Week. These can be anything from a whole class behaving well, to the small and kind gestures that make someone’s day!
All of these Happiest Minutes are then presented to the whole school every Friday by Mr Ford and Mr Bartel in the weekly rewards raffle.
As part of our ethos here at St Joseph’s, we love to share kindness, gratitude and positivity. So without further ado, here are this week’s nominations for Happiest Minute of the Week!
Happiest Minutes of the Week
Mr Valjak:
- IHL (10F) for his positive and mature attitude to learning in RE.
- MS (11T) for joining the Prom Committee and making it the best prom ever here at St Jo’s – go class of 2023!
Ms Shuttleworth:
- KT (8V) for achieving an impressive 100% in the History homework quiz and for her amazing bookwork – outstanding effort with tasks and presentation.
- Mr Ollivierre for his excellent effort in obtaining and hand delivering an exercise book to me that should have been handed in at the end of the lesson!
Mrs Nobis:
- IK (10V) for working hard, having a positive attitude and being super talented (but not arrogant about it).
- SW (7F) and NM (7M) for helping Mrs Nobis and a visitor on Healthy Start Day.
- All of Year 7 for representing the school so well on Healthy Start Day and their tutors: Mrs Inglis, Mrs Sheeley, Ms Shuttleworth, Mr Garvey, and not forgetting their DoL Mrs Marshall.
Mrs Cooper:
- I know its early and it may not quite count but, a massive shout out to DI (10M) for being an absolute trooper and continuing to work hard and stay positive every day despite her ankle popping out and being in so much pain!
Mrs Barratt & the MFL Department:
- Mr Ball for being a great French salesman! Merci Monsieur.
- Mr Adams for making the canteen look so amazing.
- The canteen staff for always being so on board with ideas.
- PE for letting us hijack house comp.
- Thank you to everyone who has got into the spirit of today.
Mr Garvey:
- IB (7F) for excellent effort in both Spanish and French.
Mr Bartel:
- Miss Moss for doing some good Mr Ford impersonating today. Miss Marshall for strong wanding. Miss McFarlane for letting me tag her each week. Mr Brown for making me feel better about my mobility. Mr Ford for doing some of my job even when he is not supposed to.
IW, 8T:
- AR (8T) for coming to help me get me PE kit, and SG (8M), and AH and TH (8V) for their really cool National outfits.
Just over a week to go until half term!