Published October 7, 2022

International Day
Today we held our annual International Day for the first time since 2019! It was fabulous to see so many pupils and staff embrace the day and make school so colourful; some pupils went the extra mile and came in national dress and some also donned flags! There was a buzzing French market at breaktime, a very lively Macarena dance house competition, and international food served in the canteen. It really was brilliant to be able to celebrate our diverse community – did you know there are over 25 different nationalities that make up our school?!
M&G Enterprise Workshop
On Thursday, a group of Year 8 pupils took part in the M&G Enterprise Challenge Workshop where they were tasked with organising a pop festival for 10, 000 young people. They had great fun learning how to do market research, creating a set list, designing a stage, and working on the finances of such a large-scale project.
Open Morning: Thursday 13th October
On Thursday morning, we have our second Open Morning for Year 6 families. The morning gives families thinking of joining our school community next September, the chance to tour the school with current pupils and see the school in action. Please do let your friends know if they are considering joining us next year. The morning will run from 9:30am–12:00pm.
Year 11 Mock Examinations Results and Information Evening
Next Thursday we will also be holding our Year 11 Mock Examination Results and Information Evening. Year 11 completed a set of mock examinations during the first half of this half term. These exams give us all an indication of future performance in the final exams, as well as valuable information on what needs to happen next to sustain and improve the mock grades.
The mock examinations have now all been marked, and we are going to replicate the experience of an Exam Results day where parents and pupils receive the results at the same time. In light of this, Year 11 have been invited to come to school at 5:30pm next Thursday 13th October, where we will:
- present the results to pupils and parents
- outline the programme of interventions for the year ahead
- outline important dates and events for year 11 this year
Should Year 11 parents not be able to attend on Thursday, we will also have a session on Friday afternoon after school at 3:45pm.
Maths Challenge
We have a number of Year 10 groups from local schools joining some of our Year 10 maths pupils next week to be inspired by the Advanced Mathematics Support Programme. We will be hosting an enrichment morning aimed at Year 10 students with an interest in continuing with Mathematics post-16. The event will feature information about maths options after GCSE, a team competition, and a talk from Numberphile regular Ben Sparks.
The emphasis of the event will be that mathematics can be both fun and challenging, and that studying mathematics beyond GCSE is a path to a variety of exciting university courses and careers.
Achievement Points Race
- 1st place: Margaret with 8,062 points
- 2nd place: Vincent with 7,734 points
- 3rd place: Teresa with 6,895 points
- 4th place: Francis with 6,412 points
Have a lovely weekend!
Mr Rooney