Published February 11, 2021

Every week, our staff send in their submissions for the Happiest Minute of the Week. These can be anything from a whole class behaving well, to the small and kind gestures that make someone’s day!
All of these Happiest Minutes are then presented to the whole school every Friday by Mr Ford and Mr Bartel in the weekly rewards raffle.
As part of our ethos here at St Joseph’s, we love to share kindness, gratitude and positivity. So without further ado, here are this week’s nominations for Happiest Minute of the Week!
Happiest Minutes of the Week
Mrs Nobis:
- Big shout out to JV in Mr Ford’s Year 7 ICT class – he has completed all the activities necessary for the Bronze Idea Award and now is going around the class supporting other people. He came up with this idea, and is really supporting others’ learning.
Mr Bartel:
- JE (7F) for his absolutely rapid in the team bleep test and showed quality cardio vascular endurance.
- Year 10 DoE Massive – particularly EF (10V), TS (10T), FW (10V), and KC (10M). Also the wonderfully passionate TH (10V) who claimed not to care but was the most excited/frustrated all at the same time.
- BR (10M) for repeatedly being responsible enough to be left alone with a lap top and complete a lot of Seneca. Fair play to you!
- Miss Waters for driving into the car park this morning with her tunes blaring out – clearly ready for another day of teaching – you absolutely rock Miss.
Mrs Cooper:
- RS (7V) for coming during his lunchtime to find out which rooms he was in in the afternoon rather than waiting until the bell had gone. He even remembered he had Science last lesson and was looking forward to it. Well done for being so proactive and positive!
Mr Rooney:
- I can’t name them all, but the 53 pupils who have put themselves forward for The Big Sleep – phenomenal effort!
Mr Thompson:
- JB (9T) for his focus and motivation to research about the American’s McMurdo Antarctica science research station.
- MD (10F) and LW (10T) for their work on the dangers of smoking on the body.
- All of 7M for their resilience to keep doing their best and minding their manners.
Mrs Jackson:
- AJ (9M) for being so proactive in Maths and always working hard – a real turn around, absolutely brilliant.
- TO (7V) for scoring 100% in his Maths test. Very well done.
Mr Blaho:
- A massive 33 people have been nominated for the Tree of Values award for Dignity! These people have demonstrated that they can be cool and calm under pressure, kind and helpful to others, or they haven’t made a fuss when something might not have gone their way. All 33 names are now up in a new frame in the corridor of values, so go and have a look when you get a moment.
- Out of all 33 nominations, one person was chosen for a special award: CL (9M)! Sports captain this year, form captain last year, he is always reserved and polite, always volunteers for tasks no one else will undertake, including supporting his tutors Miss Mallows and Mrs Halls. Well done!
Mrs Barratt:
- JB (7V) for making the best wanted poster ever seen with a full description of Boris Johnson in Spanish. Also MG (7F), ZS and FI (7M) for fab wanted posters too.
- CN (8T) for telling me a pupil was absent in French.
Ms Shuttleworth:
- ED (10V) for a brilliant History assessment essay – evidence of thorough revision and preparation – well done!
- Mr Daniels for going above and beyond by sprinting to RM20 to collect work for a student.
Mr Sibley:
- I would like to thank all the staff who have all helped whilst Mrs Peters has been off so that practicals can continue in the food room. They all know who they are – thank you.
Mr Valjak:
- ME (9V) for her persistently positive attitude to learning in RE.
- JE (7F) for his thoughtful contributions about relationships.
Mr Minns:
- JPB, MD (10F), TC, TH (10V) and LW (10T) for persevering with correctly wiring a three-pin plug correctly. Not an easy task so really well done.
- The whole of Year 7 Science HA for being brilliant working out the terminal velocity of falling cupcake cases! The exciting times we have in Science!!
Mrs Blake:
- CT (7T), BL (7M), GRS (7M) and AM (7M) for creating an incredible Drama performance based on Internet Safety.
- All of 7HAX for their hard work in Drama this term and brilliant ideas.
- A big well done to all the pupils in Year 10 who attended the PSHE careers sessions in the computer rooms this week. Your maturity and enthusiasm was fantastic.
- GC (11M), SR (11F) and KS (11M) for your continued hard work and commitment in Drama. Well done.
Here’s to a great week next week before a well-deserved break for half term!