🎓 The Course
All pupils will take two GCSEs: one in English Language and one in English Literature. All students will achieve 2 GCSEs in English by the end of the course.
All students will follow a course which assesses their reading and writing skills, but also develops many of the transferable skills essential to success across the curriculum, such as analysis, summary and extended writing. Additionally, there is a Speaking and Listening element to the course which does not form part of the final grade.
The Language course is assessed on final exams only. There are no tiers in the exam so all students will complete the same end of course examination.
Exam board: AQA
📝 Assessments
Exam Paper One
📋 50% of overall grade
⏰ 1 hour 45 minute exam
Contains two sections: reading and writing.
- Reading - students read a fictional extract (previously unseen) and answer four questions about it.
- Writing - a creative writing piece, from a prompt, from a choice of two.
Exam Paper Two
📋 50% of overall grade
⏰ 1 hour 45 minute exam
Contains two sections: reading and writing.
- Reading - students read two linked extracts (from different time periods and genres) and answer four questions about them.
- Writing - students complete an extended piece of writing giving a personal response to a prompt.

Subject Contact:
Mrs Maher