pupil parliament
The St Joseph’s Pupil Parliament was founded in 2013 in order to ensure that pupils had a platform from which they could openly discuss their ideas and interests with regard to life at St Joseph’s. Members of the Pupil Parliament have the opportunity to influence the opinion of the Senior Leadership Team regularly through their link SLT member and meetings with the Headteacher; they have helped to shape the great school that St Joseph’s is. Members have developed valuable skills that have enabled them to obtain roles of responsibility at St Joseph’s, and also at Sixth Form, college and university.
A representative is elected from each form group to represent the members of the form, and attends the bi-termly meetings, which are run by a Year 11 Chairperson, and the Vice-Chair. Agenda items are requested in advance, and debates with regard to ideas and issues can become very lively!
All decisions are voted on in meetings, and the Parliamentary representative has a responsibility to feed back to their tutor group. The Pupil Parliament team for 2021-22 are some of our most talented and committed representatives yet and will be consulted on a range of issues, including the development of the new build.