Published September 10th, 2021

As the first full week draws to a close, I can certainly say that it has been one full of pride for us all and typifies who we are as a school.
It all started on Sunday when two very brave pupils in year 11, Leo & Callum, along with Mrs Snell and Mr Rooney, abseiled down the Spinnaker Tower in Portsmouth supporting Alabaré’s Help for Veterans initiative. Their initial fears and nerves were overcome as they descended the 100m structure with only ropes to help control their descent!
Following that we’ve seen some excellent acts of kindness and honesty around school this week – money and wallets being found on the playground and handed in, older pupils patiently helping new pupils find their way around school, and a super helpful year 11 girl giving information and help to a new year 7 pupil and his mother regarding buses when the bus driver was unable to help!
We’ve also been proudly showing off the school to prospective families and it is excellent to see the breadth and variety of experiences the children are receiving across all curriculum areas. The pupils have certainly returned to school after the summer with an excellent attitude and the teaching and learning happening across school is a source of pride.
In addition, we held a very positive Year 9 parents evening discussing progress, options, and the curriculum.
Sports Day
The postponed Sports day is happening on Wednesday. On this day, the timetable will be collapsed, and all pupils will be attending school in PE kit. Looking at the weather forecast it seems that we are likely to have some showers but that it will be relatively warm (22 degrees). It may be advisable to have a rain jacket or an extra layer!
We’re really looking forward to the Sports Day and it’ll be the first one we have run with Year 11 so there’s an added bonus this year of seeing even more competition!
Sports Day assembly will also be happening on Friday afternoon where pupils will be recognised and rewarded for their efforts!
Update (14/09/21): Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances Sports Day has been cancelled. We will arrange an alternative date in the near future.
House Competition Day
Likewise, House Competition Day is also scheduled for next week – Friday. Pupils again, will be expected to wear PE kit on Friday and their normal timetable will be collapsed as they visit a different area of school each period ready to tackle a competition. It promises to be a great day and an excellent end to the week!
Homework Updates
All year 7 pupils and parents should now have received their Satchel One login pins – they were distributed during form times this week – and so should now be able to access the Satchel One platform to see HW task and deadlines. If there are any problems, pupils will be given an opportunity to attend a Satchel One clinic to help ensure that they can login.
Year 8-11 pupils – if you are having any problems logging in to Satchel One, please use the “sign in with Office 365” option on their homepage. By using the same login details you use to login to the school system you should be able to login to Satchel One.
Homework Timetables will be distributed to pupils next week to put in their planners.
Homework Club will be running from Tues-Thurs for an hour after school beginning Tues 21st Sept.
Excellence Evenings
These will be happening the week commencing 20th September on a separate evening for each year group. We will be informing parents of:
- Curriculum developments
- Enrichment Opportunities
- Assessments, Exams & Study Skills
- Important Dates for the Year
- Reports & Parents’ Evenings
- HW & Remote Learning
- Rewards
- Sanctions; centralised detentions
- Pupil Wellbeing & Mental Health
More details will be forthcoming next week for each of the Year groups in separate communications.
Year 9 Options Process
Following on from the successful Year 9 parents evening on Thursday, we’d like to make you aware of the next steps for the Options Process:
- 10th Sept – Options blocks shared via website.
- 10th-14th Sept – Four-day window to submit options. Parents complete online form to submit 1st and 2nd choice for each block. Once submitted, taken to page to book options meeting.
- 15th-16th Sept – Options Collated and allocated.
- 17th Sept – Options allocations shared with parents and pupils.
- 20th–30th Sept -Meetings take place, final options negotiations take place.
- 1st Oct – Options Finalised and shared with staff.
More detailed information has been released today from Mr McGuinness for Year 9 parents.
After school (finishes at 4:30pm) PE clubs got off to a great start this week! Visit this page for a reminder of what is on offer this half term.
Achievement Points Race
It’s been a fabulous week for achievement points! A brilliant positive start to the year. Here are the 1st standings of the year:
- 1st – Margaret House with 2,931 points
- 2nd – Vincent House with 2,677 points
- 3rd – Teresa House with 2,556 points
- 4th – Francis House with 2,551 points
Keep up the great work!
Testimonial Match
One of our parents is retiring from professional cricket in a few weeks’ time and will be having a testimonial match on 26th September at Tidworth Cricket Ground with many Surrey and England Team mates – see the flyer below for more information.
See you next week!
Mr Rooney