Published January 20, 2023

Dear parent/carer,
There’s almost a feel of spring in the air and a lift in everyone’s step – it must be the blue skies and sunshine that we’ve been blessed with this week rather than the damp grey weather that greeted us on the return to school after Christmas. Added to this the evenings are getting longer and mornings are getting brighter!
We had some visitors from the LA in school this week who were very complimentary about the behaviour of our pupils and the strong relationships that exist between pupils and staff. We’ve always prided ourselves on this and it’s great to have this affirmed from external sources! They were also pleased with the work we have been doing with literacy and learning over the last few months too.
Year 11 Mocks
We’ve been delighted with how Year 11 are taking these mock exams this week. There has been a very positive response from both pupils and staff and we’re really looking forward to seeing how the grades will have improved from the first set of mocks from back in September.
Mocks continue next week and once all have been marked, Year 11 parents will receive a sheet detailing target grades, September mock grades and also January mock grades. This will be very valuable and useful information for forming intervention and support strategies for the final months of school.
Year 10 Careers & Work Experience and Starting to Prepare for GCSE
It may seem like a long way off, but our advice for Year 10 (as many of you heard at parents evening this week) is to start reviewing and revising as early as possible – it will certainly help for next Year! I can guarantee, if Year 10 asked any Year 11s they would give the same advice – start revising now!
In light of this, we’ve been sharing the GCSE subject revision help with year 10 pupils each fortnight on Satchel One – this gives subject specific tips on how to revise for the different curriculum areas. It can also be found on our website here (entitled GCSE Revision Booklet).
Bishopdown: Fun Event for Young People
14th February, 2:30pm–4:30pm
Community First and Wiltshire Council are putting on a free event for young people (11+) in February. Please see the flyer below for more information.

Coming Up Next Week
- Assemblies on the value of Dignity led by Heads of House
- Year 11 mock exams continue – timetable and revision help here.
- Yr10 lunchtime – public speaking competition practise
- Apprenticeship & Careers fair @ S6C and Wiltshire college (half of Year 10)
- Creative Careers – Salisbury Playhouse Year 10
- After school Year 7 & 8 football club
- HW Club after school
- 7V non-uniform day (reward!)
- Year 9 & 10 football club after school
- HW Club after school
- HW Club before school
- KS3 Lunch News Cycle Club – Room 11 – all welcome
- KS4 Lunch – Year 11 football on the field
- HW Club after school
- Holocaust Memorial Day
- PSHE – Year 10. Phil Allen from Andover/Sparsholt College talking to Year 10 about different levels and how you progress between each (FE/HE/UCAS points etc)
- Breaktime: LGBTQ+ group – Asexuality awareness in Room 5 – All Welcome
- House Comp: Table Tennis
Coming up later this half term:
Tuesday 31st January: Battlefields Trip Information Evening
Achievement Points Race
- 1st place: Margaret House – 21,087 points
- 2nd place: Vincent House – 19,652 points
- 3rd place: Teresa House – 17,159 points
- 4th place: Francis House – 15,905 points
Have a lovely weekend!
Mr Rooney