Published May 20, 2022
Dear parent/carer,
The Week in Review
It’s been a fabulous week in school with lots of diverse experiences for our pupils.
Year 11 GCSEs
Exams have got off to a great start this week and we’re delighted with how maturely Year 11 are tackling their public exams. We’re also very pleased with how the other year groups are being considerate as they move around the exam hall. Keep up the hard work and revision! Only another 6 school weeks until they will have emancipation from the chains of public exams!
Personal Finance
Last Friday we were very fortunate as we were able to host Sarah and Julia from HSBC to speak a Year 9 form about personal finance – we’re hoping to welcome them back soon to speak to other forms!
Oxford University
We had a group of Year 10 pupils head off to Merton College at Oxford University for the day to find out all about Oxbridge, Russell Group Universities, and university life – one of the comments was that it “was just like Hogwarts!”
Junior UKMT Maths Challenge
We received notification that some of our Year 7 & 8 pupils achieved bronze certification in the Junior UKMT maths challenge (a national competition). They had up to an hour to solve as many problems as they could using their maths skills and knowledge. Congratulations to:
- Year 7: Jacob, Daniel, Susie, Connor, and Alfie who was best in Year 7!
- Year 8: Grace, Ethan, Max, and Henry who was best in Year 8!
Pupil Exercise Book Review
As a staff, we gathered in the school hall on Monday once all pupils had gone home to review a select number of pupils’ books. We have conducted 4 book reviews so far this year in order to monitor five key areas: Presentation and Handwriting, Literacy, Work and Progress, Marking and Feedback, and Pupil response to teacher feedback. Our objectives are to ensure that we are providing the appropriate level of challenge for all pupils and that our feedback is of a consistently high quality to enable our pupils to progress. Part of the teacher training day on Monday will be to review our analysis and tweak and improve our practise for the next academic year.
The Week Ahead
Reminder: TD Day Monday
School is closed for all pupils on Monday, with the exception of Year 11 pupils who are taking the GCSE Geography exam.
Super 8s
Next Wednesday we’ll be taking a team of Year 8 athletes to South Wilts Grammar School to take part in the Super 8s athletics competition. We’ll be competing in a range of track and field events and are hopeful for some podium finishes! Good luck to all our competitors!
Year 8 Creative Arts & Technology
Next week, Year 8 pupils will have a virtual assembly explaining how their Creative Arts and Technology subjects will be structured at the start of Year 9 from September to December prior to final GCSE options being chosen ready to begin in January.
Year 8 pupils will have a menu of Creative Arts and Technology subjects to rank:
- Art
- Product Design
- Food Technology
- Computer Science
- Creative Media
- Drama
- Music
Pupils will be asked to rank their choices in order of preference and pupils will then be placed in to three subjects that they will continue to learn from September to December. These are not GCSE choices; they are a chance to explore three subjects in more depth prior to choosing GCSE options.
Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations
We’ll be commemorating the Platinum Jubilee on Friday in school:
- Non-uniform day for a voluntary contribution; red, white and blue theme!
- Assembly for all pupils on the longest serving monarch and her achievements
- A Royal Quiz to be held virtually during period 6 lessons (Year 11 will continue with revision lessons)
- The canteen to be decorated with British bunting and to be offering traditional British food
- Great British Bake-Off Cupcake Competition & sale
- Staff vs Yr11 Football Match after school
As mentioned last week, pupils have requested that all funds we raise on the day will go towards supporting one of our Year 11 pupils and her family in this time of need. Please see the GoFundMe page for more information.
End of Year Exam Revision Booklets
Next week, End of Year Revision Booklets will be shared via SMHW and on the school website. For Year 7-9, these will include revision tips and techniques and subject-specific pages ready for their two-week end-of-year exam window beginning Monday 20th June.
For Year 10, the booklet will include revision tips and techniques for their end of year assessments. Teachers will be informing Year 10 pupils which lessons they’ll be using for the assessments, and they’ll also inform them of the appropriate content to revise
Year 10 will have more formal mock exams in the school hall in September and a revision booklet complete with subject-specific pages will be distributed once Year 10 return from work experience later in the summer term.
Achievement Points Race
- 1st place: Margaret 46,831
- 2nd place: Teresa 43,365
- 3rd place: Vincent 42,697
- 4th place: Francis 37,704
Have a lovely weekend!
Mr Rooney