Published September 12, 2022

Firstly, we’d like to extend a very warm welcome to all of our new families – it’s been a pleasure this week welcoming your children into our community, and they have certainly made a great first impression! I told them in assembly on Monday that you don’t get a second chance to make a first impression and they have certainly made the most of that first chance!
We’d also like to welcome back all of our families after the summer break – it’s been brilliant to welcome everyone back and learning! And, of course, “doing their best and minding their manners!”
As first weeks go, I can’t ever remember a wetter one! Normally the first week of September is a beautifully sunny one, an extension of the summer to help us ease back into the new school year – not so this week! The wet weather hasn’t dampened spirits in school though and, walking around the classrooms, it’s been fabulous to see good learning taking place. It’s also excellent to see everyone’s uniform looking so smart!
Another source of pride has been how our older pupils have been helping the newer members of our community. Many have been helping our new Year 7s to navigate school and get to their lessons, the canteen, the hall and other areas of school. It really is lovely to see it happening!
In this week’s welcome assemblies, we have been introducing the ‘St Joseph’s Way’ to the pupils. Throughout this year, we will be continually re-emphasising what it means to be a St Joseph’s pupil and being more explicit about the science of learning with the pupils. Sharing our expertise and why we do the things we do with the children will help them to understand the techniques we employ, enable them to become more independent learners, and have a very positive impact on their learning.
Welcome New Staff
We’d like to extend a very warm welcome to excellent new staff who have joined us this week:
- Mr Garvey – MFL teacher
- Mr Harris – Science teacher and Director of Learning Year 8
- Mrs Inglis – Science teacher
- Mrs Long – SENCO and Humanities teacher
- Mrs Rooney – Geography teacher
- Miss Livingston – Learning Support Assistant
- Miss McIntosh – Maths teacher
- Mr Lavers – English teacher
They have all made a great start and will be excellent additions to our dedicated staff team.
Next week, we will share this year’s homework timetables. We have begun issuing Satchel One (Show My Homework) login details to all new pupils. Please note that parents also have a login for this app so that you can be fully informed on homework.
HW club will run Tues–Thurs until 4:30pm each week in Room 26 and is open to all pupils. This year there will also be a morning session for HW club which will run from 8:30am on a Thursday morning in Room 26.
If your child is having trouble logging into Satchel One, please direct them to inform their form tutor – we will be running clinics next week to ensure that all can access the platform.
Assembly Update
In our assemblies this week, Mr Blaho has been focussing on our school’s values (with reference to our Tree of Values) and the mission statement and what it means for us to ‘Achieve Excellence for the sake of the Gospel’.
Next week Mr Bazen will be leading assemblies on Faithfulness and will use the platform to commemorate Queen Elizabeth II and her faithfulness and commitment to the country.
PE clubs will be starting next week, and the following will be on offer this half term:
- Gymnastics and Vaulting (Monday lunchtime)
- Netball (all years – Tuesday)
- Football (Yr7&8 – Tuesday, Yr9&10 Wednesday)
- Fitness (all years – Tuesday)
- Cheerleading (all years – Wednesday)
- Basketball (Yr9&10 – Friday)
For a list of all clubs, please click here.
There is no need to book a place at the clubs – your child simply needs to go to the PE department on the day of their club.
ECO Youth Club
Salisbury Cathedral are launching an Eco Youth Club starting on Tuesday 20th September. The club will be a safe place for young people to come and socialise, have fun as well as exploring environmental issues and taking part in special projects in and around the Cathedral. The club is free of charge and is aimed at students aged 12 to 16 years old.
Please see this flyer for more information, and if you’re interested in getting involved, contact
Some Changes
We’ve been busy improving the school premises and facilities over the holidays; there is a brand new beautiful floor along the values corridor, new fencing at the front of school and the side field and also a new suite of computers in the resource centre!
Electrical upgrades and fire safety audits have also happened over the summer thanks to Mr James, Mr Adams and Mrs Voce, our school business manager.
Coming soon will be new perimeter fencing around the school playground. We’re also looking to secure some outside seating and covers for our outside areas to enhance the break and lunchtime experience for the pupils.
Queen Elizabeth
The news received yesterday evening will have impacted all in our community in a myriad of ways. If children and young people are upset, Minded is a source of information to support children and young people to manage death and loss.
Today, pupils will have had the chance to reflect on the Queen’s passing at the start of lessons.
We will be marking the passing of the Queen in school and are currently discussing the most fitting and appropriate way for us to do this. More details will be forthcoming soon.
The Power of Positivity
Here at St Joseph’s, we love to recognise and reward the positive! Lots of achievement points have been issued to deserving pupils this week. Mr Ford and Mr Bartel will also be continuing with the wheel of prizes and Happiest Moment of the Week each Friday afternoon! Points mean prizes and potential visits for reward trips are being discussed!
What’s Coming Up?
This weekend:
- Spencer from Year 11 will be taking part in the National Finals of the Public Speaking Competition in Manchester – Good Luck Spencer!
Monday 12th September for two weeks:
- Year 11 Mock Examinations
Thursday 15th September:
- Yr9 Options Evening – Virtual Information evening about the Options Process for Year 9 pupils
- Virtual Excellence Evenings for parents and pupils – more details to be forwarded soon but this will be your chance to start the year fully informed about your child’s year in school and also find out more about ‘The St Joseph’s Way’.
Follow us on Twitter
Want to see what’s happening at school on a more regular basis? Follow us on Twitter and you’ll get snapshots of what’s going on! @sjcssalisbury
Achievement Points Race
A brilliantly positive start this week reflected in the amount of Achievement Points being awarded!
- 1st place: Teresa with 1,252 points
- 2nd place: Margaret with 1,130 points
- 3rd place: Francis with 1,055 points
- 4th place: Vincent with 979 points
Have a lovely weekend!
Mr Rooney