In collaboration with the Princess Diana Award, our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors have created a multifaceted campaign focused on student wellbeing.
Weekly Update: Week 6 (11.10.24)
When we think about our children and what we want them to achieve from their time at school, many parents and carers will always want happiness, character development, and the ability for the next step on their educational or work journey to be a leap of success rather than a stumble over the finishing line.
Dyslexia Awareness Week – 7th–13th October
This week is Dyslexia Awareness Week (DAW24), which all pupils will be learning about in their tutor groups.
Weekly Update: Week 5 (04.10.24)
It has been another busy week at St Joseph’s. Year 11 pupils went to Swanage on a Geography field trip, Year 9 learned about knife crime in a workshop from the NHS and Wiltshire Police, and lots more!
Weekly Update: Week 4 (27.09.24)
This week: International Day, Art and DT NEAs, preparing for mock exam results, welcome Year 6 pupils at Open Morning and Evening, fundraising, continuing out library move, and more!
Weekly Update: Week 3 (20.09.24)
This week has been a very busy week in the life of the school: Year 11 completed their mock exams, a Macbeth theatre trip for Year 10, Parent Information Evenings for Year 9 and 10, Marwell Zoo for Year 7, and lots of changes on the school site.
Weekly Update: Week 2 (13.09.24)
It’s been brilliant having a full week of school for the first time since July! The pupils are settling into the school routines well and are keen to learn and progress. There is a lovely calm, settled and purposeful environment around St Joseph’s.
Happiest Minute of the Week (4th–6th Sept)
As part of our ethos here at St Joseph’s, we love to share kindness, gratitude and positivity. So without further ado, here are this week’s nominations for Happiest Minute of the Week!
Weekly Update: Week 1 (06.09.24)
Lots of news to start the new academic year, from our first wave of Year 11 mock exams, our new Headmaster, and lots of new lunchtime and after school clubs.
Year 11 Celebrate Success on GCSE Results Day
A big congratulations to all our Year 11 students who collected their GCSE results today! We’re proud of you all and your dedication to succeed.