Here is everything you'll need in relation to exams, including important information for candidates, useful resources, exam timetables, and more. Should you require further information regarding examinations at the school, please contact our Exams Officer, Mrs Sheffield via email: vsh@sjcs.org.uk.

Results Day 2024 & Post-Results Information

Here is all the information you need for GCSE Results Day 2024. If you have any questions or require more information, please contact our Exams Officer using the information above.

Upcoming dates:

  • GCSE certificate evening: Thursday 28th November, 6pm

Important information & resources:

Information for Candidates

Helpful Resources

Please find below some resources to help support your planning, revision, and preparation. There are also some helpful tips about managing your stress, particularly around exam periods.

Exams Information Evening (April 2024)

Click on the image below to view the presentation from our recent exams information evening.

Exam Information Evening


Privacy Notice: Your Data

In order to be able to provide examinations and assessments, the relevant awarding body needs to collect and use information about you:

Anxiety Advice from YoundMinds

Here are four ways you can support your child if they’re feeling anxious about exams:

Warning to candidates poster
Exam information poster