Published September 30, 2022

Every week, our staff send in their submissions for the Happiest Minute of the Week. These can be anything from a whole class behaving well, to the small and kind gestures that make someone’s day!
All of these Happiest Minutes are then presented to the whole school every Friday by Mr Ford and Mr Bartel in the weekly rewards raffle.
As part of our ethos here at St Joseph’s, we love to share kindness, gratitude and positivity. So without further ado, here are this week’s nominations for Happiest Minute of the Week!
Happiest Minutes of the Week
Mrs Nobis:
- AW (9M) EW (9V) for embodying the spirit of St Joseph’s and also for kindly fetching me my lunch when I was out on duty then teaching.
Mr Bartel:
- EF (11V) for finding a person in great distress on her paper round at 6.00am this morning, calling and waiting for an ambulance that may have possibly saved the man’s life. Real life hero.
- KC (11M) and FW (11V) for teaching my DoE lesson on Monday. Thanks also Mr McGuinness for being present.
- NC, WP, and AM (7F) for some outstanding volunteer litter picking, making us look even better on open day/morning.
Miss Moss:
- Shout out to the U12’s SJCS Netball Team who were fantastic during the netball tournament at South Wilts yesterday!
Mrs Evans:
- JH, BR (7M) IM, LR (7V), NK, AP (7F), and KW (7T) for producing fantastic title pages in Art.
- GMW (8F) for outstanding homework in art going above and beyond.
- WP (7F) for pure hard work and fab examples.
Mr Rooney:
- All the tour guides from Open Evening & Open Morning this week! Absolutely immense effort and lots of praise from the families you toured – brilliant ambassadors for the school! Special mention to TC (9F), TS and TC (11F) who all received absolutely glowing reports from the families they toured.
- Our Head Students Eva, Noah, Sophie, and George for their fabulous speeches at the Open Evening and incredible bravery to stand on stage and deliver so confidently!
- All of 7B RE for being absolute stars this week in RE – brilliant work and effort!
- WM, AF (11T), HG (11F), MW, HD (11M), EF (11V) for very good participation in RE this week.
- Every single member of staff for their efforts in preparing the school for the Open Evening this week – awesome job by all members of our community!
Ms Shuttleworth:
- BJ (8T) for her amazing historical knowledge on the Corfe Castle trip. The guide was super impressed when she put him right on an incorrect fact he had given!!
- AH (8V) for her appreciation of how much work goes into organising a trip and for making a point to thank me for it. It made my day!
- EL (11M) for a very impressive 25-word summary about the remilitarisation of the Rhineland. Just perfect!
- BB (7V) for walking back to a door to hold it open for me. Super kind and polite.
- Mrs Nobis, Miss Clark, Mr Monk, and Mrs Fenwick for being the absolute dream team on the Corfe Castle trip.
Mr Ball:
- JG (10T) for beating his brother OF (10F) in the school’s cross country this week. Finally a win for Jack.
Mrs Millar Facey:
- A well done to SL (11T) and CDG (11F) for going the extra mile to prepare for the Spanish speaking assessment. They were fab!! Well done!
Ms Reynolds:
- 10 RE 3 for working hard to settle back into their regular classroom after the mocks.
- 9 RE 4 for being all round lovely and hardworking students. Thank you!
Mr Corson:
- Happiest moment for me was watching BJ and IW (8T) leading the Drama display at the Open Evening like seasoned theatre professionals! Amazing talent and leadership shown for such young learners.
Mr Valjak:
- SNP (8F) for her kindness and helpfulness towards another student in pastoral.
- ZA (8T) for her skilful ways finding her way around the Bible.
Mr Blakey:
- EL (11M) for always making the time to come and say hello and have a chat.
- OE (11F) for making me laugh a lot.
- RB, EB, JG (10T) and CW (10M) for their help and entertainment on Tuesday’s Open Evening.
- My current year 9 music group who have been awesome – well done all of you.
Mrs Maher:
- TD (10F) and GB (10M) for showing my daughter around on Tuesday evening. Mr Maher was very impressed with them both, especially Tom’s 5k time!
- Mrs Jackson for being a super-efficient co-tutor for 11M.
- FM (8M) for a fantastic week in English – your effort is not unnoticed!
- JB (10F), VG, CL, EO, BR (10V), AJ, AW (10M), and CM (10T) for blowing my mind (and Mrs Halls) with their enthusiasm and competitive nature. Who knew board pens and quotes could promote so much excitement?
Mrs Hansford:
- AJ (10M) & JB (8V) for smashing their spelling test homework in English.
- KC (8V), AL (8M) and AD (8T) for being very helpful and collecting the books required for English today.
- RB (10V) for having impressive An Inspector Calls knowledge.
Have a great weekend, and see you next week!