Published February 7, 2021

Every week, our staff send in their submissions for the Happiest Minute of the Week. These can be anything from a whole class behaving well, to the small and kind gestures that make someone’s day!
All of these Happiest Minutes are then presented to the whole school every Friday by Mr. Ford and Mr. Bartel in the weekly rewards raffle.
As part of our ethos here at St Joseph’s, we love to share kindness, gratitude and positivity. So without further ado, here are this week’s nominations for Happiest Minute of the Week!
Happiest Minutes of the Week
Mr Rooney:
- The following for smashing their target grades in the recent end of unit test: JB (10F), HD (10M), HG (10F), FW (10V) & JW (10M)
- Also, NH (10T) for looking out for a younger pupil earlier in the week at the start of lunch.
Mr Inglis:
- I’d like to nominate BJ and AR from 7T for helping get tutors to fill in their tree of values nominations this week during tutor time for the Chaplaincy Council. Great commitment to furthering the school ethos!
Mr Ford:
- TS (8M) and CQ (8V) for thoughtfully answering the question – ‘Would you rather fight fifty duck sized horses or one-horse sized duck?’
- FW (10V) and TH (10V) for their engagement in my Creative Media class whilst simultaneously working in their Duke of Edinburgh class.
Miss Shuttleworth:
- HW (11T) for giving her Gold chocolate bar prize to someone she felt needed it more. Compassion in action – well done!
- CL (9V) for his excellent attitude to learning and super contributions to class discussions in History.
- 7HA History class for their enthusiasm and exemplary behaviour throughout the Medieval life board game challenges.
Miss Clark:
- As I walked through the school this morning, every staff member and several pupils I walked past said good morning or stopped to chat, and it made me realise how comfortable and integrated I feel as a still fairly new staff member. So thank you to everyone for always being so kind, friendly, and making early mornings a bit brighter!
Mrs Nobis:
- LG (10M) and MJ (10F) for being excellent friends and making a real difference.
Mrs Sheeley:
- Please can I nominate 7HA for their outstanding responses to Benjamin Zephaniah’s ‘What has Stephen Lawrence taught us’ – they were so moving and thoughtful, I am extremely proud of them.
- Also LG (11V) for fixing the time on my clock – legend.
Mr Wilkinson:
- MW (9M) – A superb effort at describing the destruction of an innocent coke can from air pressure.
- CL (9M) for his “strategic view” and ability to think ahead, preventing problems before they arise.
- AF (7M) for surprising herself with how far she could throw the rope across the science lab.
- HF (10V) and DT (10M) for being so delighted at finishing the practical first.
Mr Valjak:
- JF (8V) for a very well written and argued answer to an evaluation question – a joy to read!
- Mr Rooney for the brilliant RE quizzes he develops for Show My Homework.
Mrs Maher:
- RH (11T) for showing huge amounts of empathy!
- The English Dept for just being great!
- Anyone who has covered me this week – hugely appreciated – you are as good as the English department.
Mrs Foster:
- JR (7M) made me smile after a long week. Asked if he could go to his locker in the corridor and then he said “can I go up instead of going around”. I said “no we have to go around and he answered “oh, ok worth a try”. Great, loved this!
Mr Bartel:
- SW (11F) one comment to myself and Mr Ford today that absolutely made my year. Many thanks.
Thanks to everyone for another excellent week!