Published January 9, 2022

Every week, our staff send in their submissions for the Happiest Minute of the Week. These can be anything from a whole class behaving well, to the small and kind gestures that make someone’s day!
All of these Happiest Minutes are then presented to the whole school every Friday by Mr Bartel and Mr Ford (or pupils who volunteer to host!) in the weekly rewards raffle.
As part of our ethos here at St Joseph’s, we love to share kindness, gratitude and positivity. So without further ado, here are this week’s nominations for Happiest Minute of the Week!
Happiest Minutes of the Week
Mrs Parsons:
- I would like to nominate Princess EM (9M) for her participation in the Salisbury Playhouse Pantomime of Cinderella. Our school needs to be very proud of her performance. She was an absolute credit to the school and her peers. It was an absolute pleasure watching you perform.
Mr Ford:
- JM (10F) for completing his module of work for BTEC Creative Media.
- My Year 10 class for their patience and tolerance.
Mrs Nobis:
- Miss Clark and Mrs Fenwick for coming in during the holidays to organise the Rainbow Library.
- Year 9 Sociologists who have made a great start to Sociology this term.
Mrs Jackson:
- Thank you for settling in so well to your new class with Mrs Jackson: LC (7M), ED, AG, WK (7T), EM and DS (7V).
- Thank you to GP (9M) for creating a positive learning environment in Maths.
- Great participation in their new class, well done to CS (8V) and NK (8T).
Mr Valjak:
- KK (10M) for always being polite, respectful, and hardworking in RE lessons.
- ALL of my new 7RE5 class for making me feel very welcome, and their impeccable behaviour.
Mr Bartel:
- TD, CS, TS (11T), FW, EF (11V), KC (11M), OE and AR (11F) for smashing the fall-back plan when plans A and B failed. Blame Mr Bartel.
- KC, TB (7V), AG (7T) for a superb performance in rugby. The rest were great but these guys smashed it.
Mr Rooney:
- A group of Year 10 pupils today at the green tables playing ‘Who Am I?’ – keeping the Christmas Spirit and party games alive!
Mr Sibley:
- JP (11T) for winning Chef of the Week for his amazing Soufflés – see the picture below!

Mrs Maher:
- EL (11M) for noticing the correction symbol posters were around the school and not just in English.
- CN (9T) and JJ (9M) for their deep conversation in English – it made my week!
- IS (8F) for personifying the St Joseph’s Way once he understood what it was.
- CF (10F) and IC (10T) for saying Miss McFarlane and I looked like twins!
Mrs Marshall:
- TD (10F) for an A Level analysis of Ozymandias.