Published November 25, 2021

Tomorrow, Friday 26th November (aside from being Black Friday) is a TD Day and as such school will be closed to all pupils. We hope that all our pupils have a restful long weekend and come back recharged ready for the final 3 weeks before the Christmas break.
Covid & Relaxing Restrictions
As mentioned last week, we are delighted that positive cases at school are incredibly low at the moment. This is, in no small way, thanks to the restrictions that are currently in place such as mask wearing in communal areas.
With cases so low, we have taken the decision to reinstate face to face assemblies in the hall after the Year 11 mocks are completed (the end of next week). Online assemblies have helped to share our values and messages but there is no real replacement for a gathering as a year group in the hall to build our community and share our values and ethos. This will be a very welcome return for us all!
As a precaution, pupils will be wearing face masks (unless exempt) and form groups will be socially distanced from one another.
Careers Portal
We’ve added a new section on the Careers Portal to showcase upcoming careers opportunities for pupils and parents, including webinars, competitions, work experience, and more. Some have a cost, but a lot of them are free. We’ll be keeping it up to date each week and adding new items regularly. To check it out, please click here.
Year 11 Mocks
After what seems a long time coming, the school hall has been converted once more into an exam hall. Year 11 have been tackling their mocks with maturity and the seriousness that they deserve. We’re delighted with their attitude to the exams and are sure that the experience will be invaluable as we see a return to public exams in the summer for the first time in two years.
Trussell Trust Reverse Advent Calendar
Yesterday, a shopping trolley appeared in the canteen area and there’ll be a big hamper joining it soon ready to be filled with food donations from next week (the first week of advent).
The aim is that we fill the trolley and hamper with food donations that our Chaplaincy and Environment Groups will take over to the Trussell Trust in December before we break for our Christmas holiday.
If you can, please do encourage your children to bring in a donation which is so needed and much appreciated by all the families who are not going to be finding it easy at this time of the year.
Click here to see some of the items that the Trussell Trust is suggesting for donations.
Movember & Moustache Day
Over the last 3 weeks, 3 members of staff have been cultivating a crop of hair on their upper lips; they’ve been growing moustaches in aid of Movember. If you follow us on Twitter (@sjcssalisbury) you’ll have seen pictures of the impressive teacher tashes! If you’d like to donate to the cause, please click here.
Assemblies this week were themed on the topic of Movember and Men’s Health and next Tuesday will be SJCS Movember Day where we will be encouraging students to show their support for Movember and start conversations about Men’s Health by sporting a moustache in school. These can be drawn on, painted on or stuck on (the more creative the better!) Stick on moustaches will be available to purchase on the day for a small donation of 50p. Please encourage your child to take part. It promises to be a fun day for a very worthwhile campaign.
Year 7 CAT4 Reports
We have been collating the reports for the recent CAT4 tests for year 7 and will be distributing these to pupils to bring home to parents at the start of next week. This data will then be used to generate target grades and flightpaths for the pupils. We will not be changing pupils’ settings based on the CAT4 results – our normal set review will take place in December and be based on pupils’ performance in class and also assessments done to date. Progress reports and set change letters will be distributed towards the end of term.
Achievement Points Race
- 1st place: Margaret House – 18,794 points
- 2nd place: Vincent House – 18,232 points
- 3rd place: Teresa House – 17,048 points
- 4th place: Francis – 15,991 points
Upcoming Dates
- 15th December: Yr9 Graduation into KS4
- Last week of December: Virtual Carol Service
- Last week of December: Progress Reports & notification of set changes for all year groups
- Weds 19th January Year 11 Parents Evening
Have a lovely weekend!
Mr Rooney