Published November 4, 2022

Dear parent/carer,
Welcome back after what, I hope, was a relaxing break for your children at half term!
This week we were able to mark All Saints Day with a mass for Year 7 and also the Chaplaincy Council ran a simple yet very powerful reflection time for people to be able to light a candle in memory of a loved one. A very peaceful time to remember happy memories of those gone before us.
On Wednesday, we also had Year 11 GCSE dance put through their paces during an intense 4 period dance workshop – some of the pupils were still sore today from all their exertions! Extra-curricular clubs were also back in full swing!
Today’s assembly saw our prefect team being announced to Year 10 & 11 – congratulations to all the prefects! Remember to wear your prefect tie with pride!
This half term, a focus for our teaching and learning in is on the ‘What we are learning’, ‘Why we are learning it’ and ‘How our learning links to previous knowledge’. As we monitor teaching and learning through lesson drop ins, Head of Department and SLT will be asking the children these questions to ensure that they can articulate their learning.
Please do reinforce this at home too – maybe instead of asking your children what they did in school today, slightly shift the focus of the question to ‘what did you learn about today in school’. Research has shown that pupils articulating their learning and being able to explain why they have learnt things often leads to better outcomes and a more motivated student!
Coming Up
Next week’s assemblies will be year group assemblies marking Anti-Bullying week. These will also be followed up in the following week with a range of activities for the pupils to get involved in.
- Weds 9th Nov: Year 7 rugby at Salisbury Rugby club after school (other year groups have the option to attend these coaching sessions on other day – to sign up, visit the PE office!)
- Thurs 10th Nov: Salisbury Schools Cross Country – all year groups after school
- Fri 11th Nov: Remembrance Day reflection – period of silence and assembly reflection for all year groups.
- Fri 11th Nov: Year 7 Party Night! After school until 5pm.
Also, next week, we will be publishing the study skills booklets and intervention times for Year 11 pupils and parents. Please note, Year 11 parents evening is Weds 16th November 4:20–7:00pm. Book your appointments online here.
Achievement Points Race
- 1st Place: Margaret House with 11,711 points
- 2nd Place: Vincent House with 11,562 points
- 3rd Place: Teresa House with 9,553 points
- 4th Place: Francis House with 8,863 points
Have a lovely weekend!
Mr Rooney