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Weekly Update: 9th September 2022

It’s our first weekly update of the new school year! In this one we welcome all families back to the year, welcome new staff, and give some important updates about what’s coming up soon.

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Weekly Update: 22nd July 2022

So, the year has drawn to a close!  It’s been a very challenging year at times with all the uncertainty that the pandemic has brought along with absences of staff and pupils, but I’m glad to say that the St Joseph’s we all know and love seems to be finally getting back to normal!

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Weekly Update: 15th July 2022

It was great to welcome you back to school this week at the celebration evenings and wonderful to celebrate all the achievements across the year!  We hope you enjoyed them, and we hope you enjoyed being welcomed back into school too!  Thank you for coming and for your support this year!

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Weekly Update: 8th July 2022

The final full week of teaching for the academic year 2021-22 has just been completed, and we have a very action-packed couple of weeks ahead of us before we break up for the summer!

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Weekly Update: 1st July 2022

It’s been a very busy but poignant week for St Joseph’s. We’ve had our Year 5 taster day, our Year 11 prom, Year 10 work experience, and coming up soon we have enrichment experiences, celebration evenings, and more!

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Weekly Update: 24th June 2022

Yesterday was the last time that all of Year 11 were present in school at the same time.  Their five-year journey with us has flown by and had a very eventful two-year period in the middle!

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Weekly Update: 17th June 2022

What. A. Scorcher!  I hope you haven’t found the heat too uncomfortable! It was definitely the right decision to relax the uniform for today. Here’s an update on what we’ve got coming up in the next couple of weeks.