Published January 21, 2021

Every week, our staff send in their submissions for the Happiest Minute of the Week. These can be anything from a whole class behaving well, to the small and kind gestures that make someone’s day!
All of these Happiest Minutes are then presented to the whole school every Friday by Mr. Ford and Mr. Bartel in the weekly rewards raffle.
As part of our ethos here at St Joseph’s, we love to share kindness, gratitude and positivity. So without further ado, here are this week’s nominations for Happiest Minute of the Week!
Happiest Minutes of the Week
Mrs Cooper:
- Miss Ryder for helping sort the medical needs files/ reports/pics… amazing! (Made my day/week/term/year! 😀)
Miss Shuttleworth
- JS (9T) for winning the Viking question race and being a very worthy Historian of the week!
- JMS (11F) for an awesome History essay that achieved 20 out of 20 – impressive!
- RH (10F) for excellent focus and effort in History
- ZK (11F) for an amazing History assessment – top marks – superb!
- BL (7M) for bringing me an ancient coin to see, going away and researching it as suggested, and then coming back to tell be all about it! Top Historian – Well done!
Mrs Nobis:
- HW (11T) for taking part in a community project in her own time to improve Salisbury, and for generally being great.
Mrs Barratt:
- JM (8F) for carrying on working when it was pack away time to achieve gold.
- Mr Morris for helping with the pizza run!
Miss Mallows:
- CL (7M) for checking that I was feeling okay after wearing dark dull colours to work on Wednesday. Impressed with his observations and heartfelt that he asked.
Mr Bartel:
- LG (11V) for identifying students in three registers in PE to speed up the process.
- MF (11V), MW (11M), PF, AN & AC (11T) for an interesting dance session.
- CN (8T) for not letting the bus leave when a friend was delayed by calls of nature.
Mrs Jones:
- The brilliant CG and CN for the way they have welcomed a new student into our tutor group, they are absolute stars. Also a special mention to all the legends that are 8F!
Mr Ford:
- Mrs Jackson for vaulting the fence at the front of school and running across the road to stop a bus that had left school early!
Mr Valjak:
- ZB (7M) for helping out Mr Valjak in a lesson this week by offering him a board pen as he forgot to bring one.
- MS (7T) for his thoughtful and balanced ideas in Religious Education.
- CC (11V) for his regular and honest contributions to RSE.
Mr Inglis:
- LH (10T) and MJ (10F) for some great expanded thinking when talking about the Magnificat.
- GC, WG and JP (10T) for answering loads of knowledge questions in RE this week.
- EO (9V) for big brain questions in RE.
- WP for renaming the Beatitudes, the beautiful attitudes to help 9Re4 help remember what they are.
Mrs Maher:
- LH (10T) for finding me hilarious.
- IC (9T) for her happy smiley hellos and her attempt to wind me up!
Miss Ryder:
- All of 7V for being so well behaved when I stepped in briefly yesterday during AM Reg for Mrs Martin.
Miss Aftab:
- TB (8T) for getting full marks in the end of chapter test in maths. Well done!
Mrs Blake:
- Thank you to Mrs Barrett for helping Mrs Blake out twice this week. You’re a legend!
Mr Monk:
- SL (10T) for actually fixing sheets in his book without me nagging… mostly!
- MAE (10V) for always appearing positive, even when less than thrilled by a topic!
- GC (10T) for being proactive, self- reliant and retaining a sense of humour!
Well done to everyone for another fantastic week!