Published November 11, 2022

Every week, our staff send in their submissions for the Happiest Minute of the Week. These can be anything from a whole class behaving well, to the small and kind gestures that make someone’s day!
All of these Happiest Minutes are then presented to the whole school every Friday by Mr Bartel and Mr Ford (or pupils who volunteer to host!) in the weekly rewards raffle.
As part of our ethos here at St Joseph’s, we love to share kindness, gratitude and positivity. So without further ado, here are this week’s nominations for Happiest Minute of the Week!
Happiest Minutes of the Week
Mr Bartel:
- AS (9V) for winning a Shakeaway from his DoL and telling me I didn’t need to check it on the system because he’s a good boy now.
- FW (11V) asking if the hammer he was using was solar powered. KC (11M) for informing him it wasn’t, but it was left-handed.
- OA (9M) for being the only person to be buzzing that Mr Ford is injured as he will not be able to embarrass his on the basketball court again.
Mrs Maher:
- ER (8V) for his mature approach to homework.
- LW (10M) for proving me wrong in English.
- RJ (10F) for rising to the challenge when I picked on her!
- LH (11T) for giving me something to laugh at every day.
- EL (11M) for his approach to getting a job outside of school.
- LW (11T) for taking my advice!
- JW (11M) for lighting up the classroom with his smiley face.
- Mrs Halls for holding the fort with 10en4.
- Miss Mcfarlane for being a great wing women in general, but especially this week.
- Mrs Marshall for telling us her great ideas so that we can continue being brilliant.
- Mrs Hansford for coming to school on her day off so that all our pupils get specialist teachers.
Mrs Pearson:
- LB (9M) for doing really well this week remembering to not only bring all her medication into school on Monday, but remembering to come to first aid on time every day to take said medication.
Mrs Barrett:
- AM (8M) for amazing organisational and leadership skills shown through the year 8 quiz.
- TT (8F), TH (8V), JE (8F), AR (8T) for their great effort preparing for the interschool quiz.
Mr Valjak:
- JE (8F) for working out the difference between forgiveness and reconciliation with very little help at hand – brilliant!
- HD (11M) for a real focus on his learning in Religious Education – keep it going!
Mr Caruso:
- AD, AF, KC (11F), AT, WM (11T), MW and HD (11M) for their efforts and good mood in after school maths intervention.
Mrs Hansford:
- AG (7T) for being very helpful during my cover lesson for Mr Ford on Wednesday.
- JAK (7T) for impressing SLT during their learning walks on Thursday.
- WCY (10V) for being consistently excellent in English lessons.
- MS (11V) for remembering all the Christmas Carol quotes from stave 5!
Mr Ball:
- IB (8M) for mastering individual skills in Basketball.
- EG, SH (10V) and KL (10M) for excellent Gaelic Football skills.
Miss Moss & Mrs Goulding:
- 9 Lawes and 9 Williamson playing their part in PE!