Published September 8, 2023

Every week, our staff send in their submissions for the Happiest Minute of the Week. These can be anything from a whole class behaving well, to the small and kind gestures that make someone’s day!
All of these Happiest Minutes are then presented to the whole school every Friday by Mr Bartel and Mr Ford (or pupils who volunteer to host!) in the weekly rewards raffle.
As part of our ethos here at St Joseph’s, we love to share kindness, gratitude and positivity. So without further ado, here are this week’s nominations for Happiest Minute of the Week!
Happiest Minutes of the Week: 4th–8th September
Mr Bartel:
- Mr Garvey for saving the day and reminding me there was no link set for the raffle!
- Mrs Adams for bringing me a meatball sub.
- Mr Ford and Mr Rooney for driving me around all summer!
- Thank you to all staff that have covered my lessons and duties this week, and to all the students that have genuinely taken an interest in me being on crutches.
Ms Shuttleworth:
- DB (10V) and MCA (10V) for saving me from being smacked on the head with a basketball whilst on duty!
- Mrs Walters for saving me lots of time by sharing her snip tool shortcut with me!
- JW (9V), MG (9F), and LG (9F) for great class reading in History.
- LW (9T) for being helpful and reminding me that I hadn’t done the class register!
- Mr Adams for being thoughtful and opening all my classroom doors and windows really early in the morning to try and help keep the classroom cool.
Miss Moss:
- BJ (8T) & JR (8M) for great contribution in PE with excellent knowledge and understanding. Well done, Keep up the fantastic work!
Mr Rooney:
- AH, SS (10F) and HP (10T) for great recall and/or participation in RE this week.
- All of 11HA RE for being awesome in revision lessons this week, but special mention to MB, CG (11F), GB, SC, and MW (11M).
- CL (11M) and NW (11F) for their great recall, participation, and thoughtful responses during revision!
- Brilliant chaperoning expertise from AA, OC (8M), AD and IW (9T).
Mrs Webb:
- SS and HG (7F) for making me happy when I received the postcard they sent me from their summer holiday.
- All of 7F for a great start to the year, great attendance and good at helping and looking out for each other.
Mrs Furness:
- My happiest moment of the week was when OM (8T) made a special effort to be friendly and inclusive during a drama lesson. He invited another student into his group because he could see that they were nervous and unsure of what to do. He made an uncomfortable situation much more pleasant for someone in need.
Mrs Reynolds:
- A huge shoutout to all 7T for how well they are settling into St. Joseph’s, for being so positive and friendly and for making my first week back at school a very happy experience.
- Massive thanks to all the older students who are cheerfully and willingly helping new students find their way around, especially 9T.
- I am so impressed with my form 7M – every one of them has behaved beautifully and is settling in well. Their behaviour has been perfect, they have been smiley and polite and helpful, and have followed the St Joseph’s Way. I am already really proud to be their tutor. Well done 7M!!
Miss Hartsmith:
- Well done 7V on a fantastic attitude shown towards the start of your journey at St Joseph’s!
Mr Ford:
- All students that have helped and supported year 7 pupils this week. It’s been great to see so many of you being kind and helpful.
Mrs Maher:
- JC (7M) for beautiful manners in class.
- CB (11V) for being a true gentleman.
- LW (11M) for accepting his nickname fate.
- DF (10F) for being both ‘BRAVE’ and a ‘TRAITOR’.
Mrs Henry:
- AM (11V) for being the first year 11 to turn up to Maths Intervention during morning tutor time. Excellent commitment. Keep it up!
- MW (8F) for being a model student during all three maths lessons this week. Keep up the good work and good behaviour.
Mrs Oakley:
- Mr Harris for being his normal awesome self but mainly for giving an anxious new student the confidence to walk through our school doors when other schools have failed.
Mrs Barratt:
- SS (10F) and LB (10T) for amazing vocab recall after the holidays.
- LM (7F) for amazing participation in language lessons.
Well done for another great week!