Published June 25th, 2021

We’re not out of the woods yet. All you need to do is look at the news to be reminded that infection rates are rising across the country. We’ve also been made aware this week that 22 schools in Hampshire have had to close due to their needs (staff and pupils having to self-isolate).
We’ve come so far over the last few months, and we must continue to play our individual parts to ensure that the school remains covid-secure and open for all. I’m sure I speak for us all when I say that the last thing we want is to have a period of remote learning again. I’d like to remind you all to continue with the twice weekly lateral flow testing and, whilst remaining optional, it is our preferred option that face masks be worn in communal areas of school.
We want to ensure that the summer term can be a productive and enjoyable term for all, especially as we have some big whole school days approaching: sports day, house competition day, and rewards experiences and assemblies.
If you haven’t done so already, please read this important update from Wiltshire Council regarding COVID-19.
Year 11 Teacher Assessed Grades
Last week, we submitted our Teacher Assessed Grades to the exam boards and this week our samples of work were requested and dispatched. Year 11 pupils will have their exam results day on Thursday 12th August. More information will be forthcoming on how this day will be structured nearer to the time.
Year 10 Mocks
We’re past the halfway mark with the Year 10 mocks and, I must say, they have handled the exams with the maturity and seriousness that they merit, and this will stand them in good stead for their final year of GCSEs next year. The exams will be marked and grades communicated to pupils shortly, and they will also be recorded on the pupils’ end of year reports next month.
A special mention also goes to the rest of the school community for their respectful silence when moving around school by the exam hall – it really does help the pupils taking exams.
Parents Evenings
Last week we shared the dates for the parents’ evenings and information evenings that will be taking place next month. This week we’re providing you with some more information regarding the content of the meetings. In the coming weeks further communication with links for the virtual meetings and instructions on how to join will be circulated.
Year 7: Monday 12th July
- Introduction and Welcome from Mr Rooney & Mrs Marshall – individual parent / teacher sessions to discuss progress.
- Progress Reports – how to read them and how to get in touch regarding any subject concerns
Year 8: Miss Moss & Mr McGuiness: Tuesday 13th July
- Welcome and Year in review.
- Progress Reports – how to read them and how to get in touch regarding any subject concerns
- The Options Process and timeline
Year 9: Mrs Blake/Mr Brown & Mr Bazen: Wednesday 14th July
- Welcome and Year in review.
- Progress Reports – how to read them and how to get in touch regarding any subject concerns
- GCSE curriculum and what’s to come in Year 10
Year 10: Mrs Blake/Mr Brown & Mrs Nobis: Thursday 15th July
- Welcome and Year in review.
- Progress Reports – how to read them and how to get in touch regarding any subject concerns
- Mock Exam Review
- Year 11 and what’s to come
PE Clubs
It’s been an absolute delight to see the fabulous attendance at all of the after PE after school PE clubs this term; tennis, rounders and athletics are certainly proving to be popular choices with the children!
It’s also brilliant to see the pupils making good use of the ‘Games Box’ at lunch time too!
Find our current PE clubs timetable here.
Achievement Points Race
Teresa are still out in the lead, with Margaret 2nd and Vincent House a close third:
- 1st: Teresa – 28,196 points
- 2nd: Margaret – 28,130 points
- 3rd: Vincent – 28,033 points
- 4th: Francis – 26,022 points
Thank you for your continued support, and have a lovely weekend!
Mr Rooney