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Weekly Update: 19th October 2022

I’d like to thank you for your support over the last six and a half weeks.  We have always stressed the importance of teamwork and that team consisting of three members: your children as our pupils, us as a school, and you as parents.

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Weekly Update: 14th October 2022

It’s crazy to think that we’ve only got three days left of this half term and that a sixth of the school has already been completed! This week, again, saw a great variety of activities happening at school.

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Weekly Update: 7th October 2022

It’s been an eventful week with the MFL department’s International Day, an M&G Enterprise Challenge workshop, and more – and next week is gearing up to be busy too!

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Weekly Update: 16th September 2022

It’s been an absolute pleasure visiting classrooms this week and seeing the excellent teaching and learning that is happening. There is a really focused and purposeful environment in classrooms and the pupils have been superb at articulating what they are learning. 

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Weekly Update: 9th September 2022

It’s our first weekly update of the new school year! In this one we welcome all families back to the year, welcome new staff, and give some important updates about what’s coming up soon.

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Weekly Update: 22nd July 2022

So, the year has drawn to a close!  It’s been a very challenging year at times with all the uncertainty that the pandemic has brought along with absences of staff and pupils, but I’m glad to say that the St Joseph’s we all know and love seems to be finally getting back to normal!

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Weekly Update: 15th July 2022

It was great to welcome you back to school this week at the celebration evenings and wonderful to celebrate all the achievements across the year!  We hope you enjoyed them, and we hope you enjoyed being welcomed back into school too!  Thank you for coming and for your support this year!