On entering Years 10 and 11, pupils join what is known nationally as Key Stage 4 (KS4). We aim to build on the knowledge and understanding the pupils have developed over their first 3 years at St Joseph’s.

As you move from Key Stage 3 to Key Stage 4, you will experience new ways of working and new subjects alongside familiar ones. It is exciting but also challenging: exciting because you have some choice in what you study, and challenging because we give you more responsibility over organising yourself and your time. 

From this page, you can find out everything you need to know about what is on offer in Key Stage 4. As well as reading it through, it is important you talk to people: parents and carers, teachers, the school careers adviser and of course older students actually doing the courses, who can tell you exactly what studying the course is like. They can all help you reach the best decision.

Do not be shy about asking for advice as you are going to make some important decisions. We all look forward to further discussions with you and your parents/carers.


As our pupils move towards Year 10, it is important that they consider the courses they would like to study for GCSE. We are dedicated to ensuring that each pupil is given the opportunity to develop knowledge and life skills as they gain the most appropriate qualifications for their post-16 career choices.


Our It’s Your Future booklet aims to provide pupils and parents/carers with support and guidance regarding the GCSE courses available at St Joseph’s. It has also been designed so that it is clear what support is available to each pupil as they start their GCSE journey.

Download the It's Your Future booklet

If you'd like to find out more about the Key Stage 4 courses we offer in more depth, please see our course directory for 2025-27. There is information on how each course is assessed, what pupils will learn, relevant post-16 career options, and more.

Download our KS4 course directory


Click on a button below to find out more about a subject that we will be offering at Key Stage 4, including what you'll learn, how it's assessed, and how you could use the subject once you've finished school.

Please note: these pages are currently being updated for 2025–27. For up to date information, please see the resources above.



Good career guidance is critical if young people are to raise their aspirations and capitalise on the opportunities available to them.
Lord Sainsbury of Turville, Gatsby Charity Foundation

The Right Direction

More than ever young people need the right information, advice and guidance when making decisions about their future for what is now a challenging employment market. For some choosing a career can be straightforward, but for others it can be confusing. The role of our Careers Lead Professional, Miss Gale, is to empower students, giving them the basic knowledge and skills they need to begin to navigate their way successfully through career choices and changes and to understand all their options. 

Choosing which subjects to take in years 9, 10 and 11 is very important – it can affect options for the future. The qualifications gained in year 11 can influence what happens next, in terms of education, training and employment. 

When choosing subjects, try to make a balanced selection in order to keep options open for the future. Choose subjects and courses because they suit you and not because of pressure by other people. Also, don’t pick subjects only because your friends are doing them, or because you like the teacher. Other subjects may be far more important in keeping a range of careers open. If you already have a particular career in mind, check the suitability of your subject choices. 

Certain subjects, e.g. languages, maths and the sciences, art and design, need a good foundation before you can take them further, but subjects such as business, law, economics or psychology can often be started from scratch at A level or equivalent, or even at degree level.

Miss Gale is here to help you through the process, all the way through to ensuring you get the college place you've been working so hard for!

Find our comprehensive resources to help support your career decisions on our Careers Portal.
