Published July 15, 2022

It was great to welcome you back to school this week at the celebration evenings and wonderful to celebrate all the achievements across the year! We hope you enjoyed them, and we hope you enjoyed being welcomed back into school too! Thank you for coming and for your support this year!
This has been a fabulous week – mainly dominated by the brilliant Sports Day but there have been lots of other things happening too! The big day itself was awesome; it was brilliant to see all the children really embrace the day and support their house – the element of competition is alive and well! We had some brilliant races, great competition, lots of fun, school records broken and also some fabulous support for pupils who were finding their events a little tricky (particularly the 1200m & 1500m). It was so good to get back to having a sports day – it was the first one since 2019!
On the Wednesday, all the winners and podium finishers were recognised in the Sports Day assembly as were the record breakers and athletes of the year – a great celebration led by Mrs Goulding & the PE department! And congratulations to Margaret House on winning Sports Day!
We’ve also had 2 big careers and post-16 events this week. Year 10 had a post-16 options evening on Tuesday evening where we had guest speakers from Salisbury Sixth Form and Andover College. In addition, on Wednesday and Thursday, The Talent Foundry come to school to deliver their ‘Seven Steps to Rise’ workshop involving seven challenges that gave the pupils the chance to develop and explore their skills in ways that are relevant to the world of work. It was a great chance to explore and develop skills relevant to school and the workplace and interact with mentors from different businesses.
Today also saw 205 of our pupils head off to Chessington and a further 105 enjoying a cinema experience in the hall!
The Last Week!
I really can’t believe we’re at the last week of term! To help you get organised, this is what is happening:
- Mon & Tues – Enrichment Experiences: Please see separate communication sent earlier this week – with the heatwave predicted for next week, the situation regarding the activities is under constant review and we will notify via School Comms and the Website if there are any changes (PE kit if in school, Own Clothes if on an external trip).
- Weds – Head Student presentations and voting, Charity liturgy and Race for Life (PE kit)
- Thurs – House Competition Day (PE kit)
- Fri – Awards Assemblies, House Quiz and early finish (12:15) (Own Clothes)
Final progress reports will also be distributed.
St Osmund’s Parish Summer BBQ
St Osmund’s parish is hosting a BBQ/Summer Fete on July 17th at St Osmund’s School and they are inviting all in our community to attend. It promises to be a lovely day and it would be great to see as many of you there as possible. We also have two pupils playing their instruments at the event too!
Achievement Points Race
- 1st Place: Margaret with 55,329 points
- 2nd Place: Teresa with 50,767 points
- 3rd Place: Vincent with 49,926 points
- 4th Place: Francis with 44,706 points
Have a lovely weekend!
Mr Rooney